PaCCSC & CST Concept Development Workshop 2024
Early Career Researchers (ECRs) had an exciting opportunity to workshop their new study concepts at our Concept Development Workshop in March.

Facilitated by Dr Belinda Butcher, the PaCCSC & CST Concept Devlopment Workshop was an opportunity for six ECRs to present their new study ideas. In addition to advice from biostatisticians and senior researchers, they received input from a range of experts including representatives from the:
- IMPACCT Consumer Advisory Group (CAG)
- Cancer Research Economics Support Team (CREST)
- Cancer Quality of Life Expert Services Team (CQUEST).
Fascinating and informative presentations from our experts provided some key takeaways on:
- the value of consumer involvement in research
- factors to consider when implementing QoL measures for culturally and linguistically diverse populations
- the value add of qualitative research substudies in trials.
Consumer engagement
The IMPACCT CAG is a diverse group of Consumer Advisors. Their insights extend beyond traditional academic feedback, offering a more holistic viewpoint gained through personal experience as a patient or support person.
This diverse input helps researchers gain a broader understanding of the potential impact and challenges of their work as well as the real-world experiences of those affected by various health issues. They help shed light on the practical needs and perspectives of people with life-limiting illnesses and cancer.
We also heard from Dr Domenica Disalvo, IMPACCT Postdoctoral Research Fellow, on the importance of consumer voices in research, which is a focus of her research.
Health Economics
ECRs took the opportunity to receive health economics advice from CREST. Consideration of health economics advice early in a study design is critical to ensure relevant information is collected from the outset in clinical trials. This can then inform policy and practice recommendations resulting from clinical trial outcomes.
Quality-of-Life measures
Similarly, Quality-of-Life measures are crucial to correct interpretation of clinical trial results but can be challenging to implement. Dr Carrie-Anne Ng from CQUEST provided expert advice on how to choose the best quality-of-life measures for a study, including consideration of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse study participants. Associate Professor Tim Luckett talked about how a qualitative sub-study can add value to a clinical trial.
We were fortunate to have two biostatisticians – Dr Sungwon Chang and Dr Belinda Butcher - who contributed their expertise and advice for ECRs on planning for analysis and interpretation of study data.
Next steps
ECR presenters were encouraged to create an action plan based on the workshopping session. We look forward to working with them as they develop the next stage of their concepts.
Thank you
The workshop was an opportunity for ECRs to deepen their networks and develop collaborations.
Thank you to the experts who gave their time to support and advise this group of enthusiastic ECRs. And, thank you to the ECRs who shared their new concepts with us.
“I found the experience invaluable and, best of all, fun”. Early Career Researcher
If you have a research concept you’d like to discuss, even if it is just the spark of an idea, please contact the PaCCSC/CST National Manager, Dr Rayan Saleh Moussa, at
You can also read about the range of services and resources on offer at