Wandy Halim graduated from UTS with a Master of IT in Data Analytics. Today, Wan is an Insights and Data Analyst of Customer Operations at TPG Telecom in Sydney.
Indonesia I Wandy Halim

Learn more about studying IT at UTS
Meet Wan
As a high school student growing up in Jakarta, Indonesia, Wan dreamed of pursuing a post-graduate degree in Australia. Interested in pursuing a Master of IT, UTS caught Wan’s eye for its high-ranking IT program and scholarship opportunities for international students. Upon his acceptance to UTS, Wan was delighted to receive the International Postgraduate Academic Excellence Scholarship. The scholarship covers up to 30% of tuition fees for high achieving commencing international students enrolling in a postgraduate coursework program at UTS.
I was thrilled when I found out I had received the scholarship! It was such a relief and an honour, knowing that my hard work was recognised and supported. It made the transition to studying at UTS much smoother, and I'm very grateful for the opportunities it has opened up for me.
At UTS, Wan enrolled in the Master of IT with a specialisation in Data Analytics. One of his favourite aspects of his coursework was applying theory to real-world projects and collaborating with a diverse group of peers.
“In a project for my Internet of Things (IoT) class, we drafted a plan for a smart home security system using sensors and cameras to monitor and alert homeowners about any unusual activity. Our team was a fun mix of people from different countries, which made the discussions engaging and led to a well-rounded proposal. We even got to test out a few fun concepts that we joked might give us some next-level security!”
One of Wan’s biggest challenges as a student was dealing with time management and juggling his roles as a student, part-time barista, and chef.
“Balancing work and academic responsibilities was a constant challenge, and the uncertainty of my future career path added to the stress. I learned to prioritise my tasks and stay disciplined with my goals. I created a schedule that allocated specific times for study and rest. This approach helped me stay organised and focused. I sought advice from professors, mentors, and friends from the data and IT industry. Their guidance and encouragement were invaluable in helping me navigate this challenging period.”
Today, Wan is an Insights and Data Analyst in Sydney at TPG Telecom, Australia’s second-largest telecommunications company. He credits UTS with equipping him with the practical and technical skills that help him in his career every day.
“At UTS, I gained expertise in data analysis, visualisation, and machine learning, which I use daily at TPG Telecom. I also developed my programming skills in languages such as Python and R, which are essential for handling large data sets and conducting statistical analysis. One particularly impactful experience was working on a group project that analysed customer interaction data to uncover trends and insights. This project taught me how to work with real-world data, conduct meaningful analysis, and present findings effectively. Having a strong data science foundation is essential for my job because it helps me make sense of complex data sets, spot patterns, and make informed decisions. This background lets me simulate real-life problems and find practical solutions that improve our strategies. It also helps me forecast trends and offer valuable insights that contribute to the success of our projects and the company.”