PaCCSC and CST Seminar Series – Perspectives on consumer involvement in research
Join us for an engaging webinar where consumers take the lead! This session is designed to inspire researchers to actively involve consumers in their research process.

Learn firsthand how consumer perspectives can enhance the relevance and impact of your work. Discover practical strategies for collaboration and hear success stories from both researchers and consumers who have benefited from this approach. Whether you are new to consumer involvement or looking to deepen your engagement, this webinar will provide valuable insights and actionable steps. Do not miss this opportunity to bridge the gap between research and real-world impact!
This session features insights from two passionate advocates and members of the IMPACCT Consumer Advisory Group - Imelda Gilmore and Philip Lee. They will share their motivations for being involved in research and some of their experiences. IMPACCT Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dr Domenica Disalvo, will discuss the benefits of actively involving consumers in research.
This webinar will highlight the advantages of involving consumers in research.
Is this webinar for me?
If you are a clinician or researcher in any health discipline, and you are interested in building your knowledge and understanding of involving consumers in research, this free webinar is for you.
CST members, members of other Cancer Trials Research Groups (CCTGs), PaCCSC members and others interested in cancer-related fatigue are encouraged to attend.
The Palliative Care Clinical Studies Collaborative (PaCCSC) and Cancer Symptom Trials (CST) are two research collaboratives based at the Centre for Improving Palliative, Aged and Chronic Care through Clinical Research and Translation (IMPACCT) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). We facilitate high-quality inclusive clinical research through collaboration and capacity building that informs the evidence base for the provision of best practice in palliative care and cancer symptom management. Read more about PaCCSC and CST.
IMPACCT Consumer Advisory Group
Our vision is to see every patient receiving the best care regardless of life circumstances, state of health or place of residence. We will only realise our vision with the invaluable contribution of a diverse and engaged Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) with lived experiences as patients or caregivers.
The IMPACCT Consumer Advisory Group (CAG) has been established to ensure that consumers are actively involved in shaping our research, supporting curricula development and providing general guidance on our strategic direction.
They are actively involved in discussion and reviews of clinical trials implemented by the Palliative Care clinical Studies Collaborative (PaCCSC) and Cancer Symptom Trials (CST), including representation on the CST Scientific Advisory Committee.
Read more about the IMPACCT CAG.
Imelda Gilmore

Imelda Gilmore is a former family carer who supported her husband for seven years, from his diagnosis with younger onset Alzheimer’s Disease until his death in 2016. She is an experienced communicator, advocate, speaker and campaigner in dementia care, carer services policy and media, working to promote the advancement of knowledge, care and services for people with dementia and family carers.
She was a consumer representative for the Health Commission of NSW in examining how a broad range of researchers, health professionals and consumers can collaborate for better health outcomes, and has been instrumental in developing collaborations between consumers, health and aged care services.
She is a consumer member of the Patient Experience and Consumer Engagement Team, for the Hospitals Commission of NSW. She has presented at conferences, both national and international, as well as participating in workshops and forums which aim towards excellence in end-of-life care planning and palliative care for people living with dementia. Imelda is a founding member of the IMPACCT Centre Consumer Advisory Group, Faculty of Health at UTS.
Philip Lee

Philip Lee retired in July 2017 as a Palliative Medicine Physician and Director of Western Sydney Local Health District (WSLHD) Supportive and Palliative Care. Since that time, he is actively involved as a WSLHD Consumer Representative on several committees as well as the WentWest Primary Health Care Network Consumer Advisory Council.
Prior to his 20-year career as a Palliative Medicine Physician, Philip was a GP in Western Sydney for 23 years.
Philip brings a passion for palliative care as both his father and father-in-law died from malignant diseases and were cared for both as inpatients and in the community by the WSLHD Palliative Care Service. Philip’s mother died in a residential aged care facility after 11 years with Pre-frontal Dementia. She also had input from the palliative care service. Philip is an active advocate for improved funding and resourcing for Palliative Care services across NSW.
Dr Domenica Disalvo

Dr Disalvo is a postdoctoral research fellow at IMPACCT where she focuses on palliative, aged and chronic care research. She has a track record of creating partnerships with stakeholders and engaging consumers, to align research to their care and treatment needs.
Dr Disalvo has a strong interest in optimising quality use of medicines (QUM) and medication management for people with dementia, bolstering interdisciplinary collaboration, shared communication and decision-making.
She has extensive experience with working in multidisciplinary teams, and industry partners to improve care provision for people with chronic life-limiting illnesses e.g. dementia, cancer, chronic breathlessness management, and people approaching end of life.
Dr Disalvo has forged strong relationships and collaborations with specialist palliative care researchers and clinicians with interest in geriatric and supportive care, aged and dementia care providers.