Mark Tahtouh
The strong academic background in chemistry and forensic science has given me technical knowledge...
What degree did you study?
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Applied Chemistry - Forensic Science
Doctor of Philosophy (Science)
What exactly does your work/job entail?
I work at the Australian Illicit Drug Data Centre (AIDDC) with the AFP. The AIDDC provides technical intelligence on illicit drugs and precursors in support of law enforcement objectives in order to minimise the availability of illicit drugs and reduce their harm on the Australian community.
My role as a forensic intelligence analyst is to support AFP, law enforcement and other partners through the collection, collation and analysis of forensic and scientific information on illicit drugs and the provision of specialist advice that contributes to law enforcement operations, intelligence, and evidence based policy development.
What part of your work inspires you the most?
The most interesting aspect of my work is the variation. Each day bring new challenges
Do you find the skills you learnt during your degree useful and versatile?
The skills I learned during my study at UTS are very useful in my current role. Obviously the strong academic background in chemistry and forensic science has given me with technical knowledge base from which to draw but also the skills of collecting, collating and analysing information has proved an invaluable skill.
What was it like to study at UTS Science?
Studying at UTS Science was an enjoyable experience. I made many friends that I still have today. My colleagues at UTS shared my journey with me and helped me get through a difficult but rewarding degree.
What advice can you give to students considering studying this degree?
Study because you want to not because you have to. Choose something that interests you and that you enjoy and stick with it.