Marketing staff and research student listings
Who do I contact?
Course enquiries: For general course enquiries see UTS Business School's contacts.
Subject coordinators: For enquiries about specific Marketing subjects, contact our undergraduate and postgraduate subject coordinators for the Autumn and Spring Sessions.
Course directors: For specific enquiries about Marketing courses contact our Department's course directors:
Master of Marketing - Dr Anna Sahgal
Online Master of Digital Marketing - Dr Andy West
Postgraduate research - Dr TaeWoo Kim
Honours - Dr TaeWoo Kim
Bachelor of Business (Marketing) - Dr Valeria Noguti
Bachelor of Business (Advertising & Marketing Communications) - Dr Sorush Sepehr
General enquiries: For general enquiries about our Department email to:
Postal address
Marketing Department
UTS Business School
University of Technology Sydney
PO Box 123
Broadway NSW 2007
Level 10
Building 8
14 Ultimo Road
Map and directions - location CB08
Connect with the Marketing Department
Follow the Marketing Department
Would you like to join our team? You can search for permanent staff vacancies on the People Unit jobs website or apply to be included on the UTS Business School's casual academics eligibility list.