Quality in palliative care – a perspective from Chile
In this free, online event, IMPACCT Visiting Academic, Dr Pedro Perez-Cruz, from the School of Medicine at Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile will give a presentation on Quality in palliative care – a perspective from Chile.

IMPACCT is are pleased to welcome Dr Pedro Perez-Cruz, Associate Professor and Chief of Palliative Medicine in the School of Medicine at Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Chile, who will give a presentation on Quality in palliative care – a perspective from Chile.
Dr Perez-Cruz is a Visiting Academic with the Centre for Improving Palliative, Aged and Chronic Care through Clinical Research and Translation (IMPACCT) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS).
He has joined us as part of the UTS Key Technology Partnerships program, which aims to build enduring research collaboration with international partner institutions.
Dr Pedro Perez-Cruz
Dr. Perez-Cruz is a palliative care physician and researcher. He is an Associate Professor and the Chief Section of Palliative Medicine at the School of Medicine at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
In addition to a Bachelor of Medicine, Dr Perez-Cruz holds a Master of Public Health with a focus on quantitative methods. He was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Palliative Care in the Department of Palliative Care and Rehabilitation Medicine at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston, Texas and was part of the International Program Palliative Medicine Scholars at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
Dr. Perez-Cruz's research interests include quality of death and dying, quality of palliative care services and education in palliative care. His current research focuses on exploring the association between the structural quality of palliative care services and the quality of death in advanced cancer patients in Chile.
His research has been supported by the Government of Chile and Newton Fund Grant from the British Embassy in Chile. In 2018, he was recognised with the Eduardo Bruera award for outstanding research in palliative care by the Latin American Association of Palliative Care.
Please join us for this free, online event to learn about quality in palliative care in Chile. Register now