UTS Big Thinking Forum: Young Bodies and Minds
Is being a young person all sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll?

Over 40,000 students, most under the age of 30, call UTS ‘home’. So, safeguarding their physical and emotional wellbeing is paramount.
This forum will focus on young people, caregivers and health professionals. We’ll be looking at what’s affecting the wellbeing of young people and the best ways to help them navigate challenges ranging from surviving in Australia’s most expensive city, to sex and social media.
The event will be moderated by UTS academic (and former Dolly Doctor) Dr Melissa Kang.
Refreshments will be served.
Dr Melissa Kang, Associate Professor, Public Health, UTS
Professor Fiona Brooks, Acting Dean, Faculty of Health
Carolyn Murray, Manger NSW STI Projects Unit, Department of Health
Bernard Saliba, Scholarly Teaching Fellow, Public Health, UTS
Rachel Cohen, PhD Candidate, UTS Graduate School of Health
Alissar Farran, PhD Candidate, UTS Health