We have a variety of ways that you can get in contact with our team to discuss your questions. While GRS is here to support you, your faculty research support staff should be your first contact for questions about your candidature.
Contact us
Future students
Are you a future research student, with questions about the application process, enrollment or student fees and scholarships?
How to apply
Please visit our how to apply guide for an overview, including advice on Finding a supervisor, English Language requirements and lodging the application.
What happens after I submit my application?
After you submit your application, GRS and your Faculty will need to assess it before providing a decision.
Deferring your offer
Do you need to defer your offer to a later session?
How to Enroll
Do you have any questions about accepting your offer or enrolling in your course?
Student fees and Scholarships
Do you want to know more about student fees and scholarships?
Contact us
- You can contact GRS directly for general enquiries by:
- Submitting an online enquiry
- Visiting our Zoom drop-in sessions between 3pm and 4pm (AEST) on weekdays
- Visiting the Student Centre on Thursdays, or booking an appointment
The GRS office is open 9am to 5pm weekdays, for general walk-in enquiries, and can be found at:
The Graduate Research School
University of Technology Sydney
Level 3, Building 05C
01 Quay Street, Haymarket NSW 2000
Enter via the UTS building 05 Block D entrance for our office.
Current students
Are you a current research student with questions about your candidature?
For information about your research candidature, visit the Current research students section on our website.
You can also contact the Graduate Research School with specific questions about your faculty or research centre as per below.
Candidature Management, Examination and Conferral
Do you have a question about making a change to your candidature, taking a leave of absence or thesis submission examination and conferral?
Please submit an enquiry to GRS.
Do you have a question about your research scholarships, additional funding opportunities, or how changes to your candidature will impact your funding?
Please submit an enquiry to our Research Scholarships team.
In-Person enquiries
You can talk to our team by visiting the GRS counter, open between 9am and 4pm on weekdays at Building 05C Level 3 Room 025 Door #3, 01 Quay St, Haymarket NSW 2000 (CB05C.03.025). Enter via the UTS building 05 Block D entrance for our office.
GRS also operates a counter for HDR enquiries at the Student Centre in Building 10, every Thursday between 10am and 4pm for appointments and walk-ins.
Zoom Counter
GRS runs Zoom drop-in sessions between 3pm and 4pm (AEST) on weekdays.
You can also email GRS to request a Zoom call-back during business hours.
Mailing Address
The Graduate Research School
University of Technology Sydney
PO Box 123
Broadway NSW 2007
The GRS office is open 9am to 5pm weekdays, for general walk-in enquiries, and can be found at:
The Graduate Research School
University of Technology Sydney
Level 3, Building 05C
01 Quay Street, Haymarket NSW 2000
Enter via the UTS building 05 Block D entrance for our office.
Faculty and research centre contacts
Your Faculty’s research support staff should be your first point of contact for questions related to your candidature.
Your Faculty Research Officer is available to guide you through your candidature and the Responsible Academic Officer (RAO) are senior academic staff with delegated responsibility to make various student-related academic decisions.
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Ms Lenka Pondelickova
HDR Administrative Coordinator
City campus CB10.14.208
Ph: (02) 9514 4728
Email: FASS.HDR@uts.edu.au
A/Prof. Bhuva Narayan
Responsible Academic Officer
Email: Bhuva.Narayan@uts.edu.au
UTS Business School
Mrs Ashleigh Hall
Senior HDR Officer
Haymarket campus CB08.12.14
Email: BusinessHDR@uts.edu.au
Expressions of Interest for admission to the PhD program
A/Prof. Christina Nikitopoulos Sklibosios
Responsible Academic Officer
Email: Christina.Nikitopoulos@uts.edu.au
Connected Intelligence Centre
Ms Gabrielle Gardiner
Research Manager
Email: Gabrielle.Gardiner@uts.edu.au
Ms Dee Murphy
Research Manager
Email: Dee.Murphy@uts.edu.au
A/Prof. Kirsty Kitto
Responsible Academic Officer
Email: Kirsty.Kitto@uts.edu.au
Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building
Ms Vanessa Setiadi
HDR Research Administrator
City campus CB06.06.042
Email: DAB.HDRsupport@uts.edu.au
A/Prof. Sumita Ghosh
Responsible Academic Officer
Email: Sumita.Ghosh@uts.edu.au
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
Ms Christina Oh
Senior HDR Programs Officer
City campus CB11.12
Email: feit.hdr@uts.edu.au
Ms May Aung Su
HDR Programs Officer
City campus CB11.12
Email: feit.hdr@uts.edu.au
Ms Adele Zhong
HDR Programs Officer
City campus CB11.12
Email: feit.hdr@uts.edu.au
Prof. Kaska Musial-Gabrys
Director Research Programs
Email: Katarzyna.Musial-Gabrys@uts.edu.au
Faculty of Health
Ms Priya Nair
Faculty Research Administrator
City campus CB10.08
Ph: (02) 9514 4834
Email: FOH.HDR.Enquiry@uts.edu.au
Mr Eddy Dharmadji
Research Manager, Graduate School of Health
City campus CB20.08
Ph: (02) 9514 7403
Email: FOH.HDR.Enquiry@uts.edu.au
Professor Rob Duffield
Responsible Academic Officer
Email: Rob.Duffield@uts.edu.au
Faculty of Law
Dr Rachel Bolton and Ms Aline Roux
Faculty Research Officer
Email: law.research@uts.edu.au
Prof. Jessie Hohmann
Responsible Academic Officer
Email: Jessie.Hohmann@uts.edu.au
Faculty of Science
Mr Saikat Dey
Research Coordinator
Email: science.hdradmin@uts.edu.au
A/Prof. Charles Cranfield
Responsible Academic Officer
Email: Charles.Cranfield@uts.edu.au
Institute for Sustainable Futures
Ms Wendy Wang
Graduate Research Program Officer
Email: isf-grp@uts.edu.au
A/Prof. Jason Prior
Responsible Academic Officer
Email: Jason.Prior@uts.edu.au
TD School
Ms Margarita Steinhardt
Faculty Administration Officer
Ph: (02) 9514 3066
Email: TDSchool.RO@uts.edu.au
A/Prof. Dan Ramp
Responsible Academic Officer
Email: daniel.ramp@uts.edu.au