Refining creative and collaborative teaching skills

Students in UTS's u.lab
Lecturer: Faculty: Project: Keywords: |
In this project, Dr Jakovich is bringing together staff from three faculties to prototype new teaching methods and innovate face-to-face, collaborative learning. What the project is aboutThe experimental teaching of Creative Minds and the Entrepreneurship Lab subject has generated various innovative methods for collaborative, design-led, peer-mentored learning. Dr Jakovich is testing these methods and evolving them in different teaching contexts to further understand how innovative teaching is adopted and its influence in various face-to-face contexts. She will translate these findings into a video showcase of 10 creative and collaborative learning modules, making them available online. Why the project is being introducedAs part of UTS's Creative Intelligence Strategy, and as new learning spaces are coming online, students and teachers are in a unique position to innovate collaborative and creative approaches to learning. So to help ensure that UTS can continue being a forerunner in improving learning and teaching techniques, she's developing methods, providing online resources and communicating findings. How the project is being implementedThe teaching modules are being planned collaboratively in a staff workshop and implemented in subjects in three different faculties. They will be video-recorded, followed by a student survey to ascertain the impact of the modules on learning and face-to-face time.
Exploring further UTS u.lab - Experimenting with new and innovative collaborative learning spaces Delving even deeper |