Osteopathy Research and Innovation Network (ORION) Project

Bridging the gap between research and osteopathy practitioners, ORION aims to shed light on the day-to-day practice of osteopathy in Australia, including what techniques are used, which patient populations are treated and what outcomes are achieved. This extensive research will provide valuable insight for osteopaths and other health professionals, to gain greater understanding of the osteopathy profession as a whole. The project will spark further sub-studies to greater explore osteopathy education, practice and the future of the profession. ORION is an opportunity to not just establish the infrastructure and evidence base for osteopathy research in the short term, but also to help grow a sustainable research culture and broad evidence platform for osteopathy into the future. Key to this will be developing a close working relationship with Universities offering osteopathy courses and academics working in osteopathy education and research.
Funding: Osteopathy Australia
UTS Staff Involved: Prof Jon Adams, Prof David Sibbritt, Dr Amie Steel