Engage high-profile researchers to provide expert testimony in court. UTS is fast achieving a reputation as an applied research university and we are proud to provide experts who are recognised nationally and internationally as leaders in their disciplines. Our academics specialise in a range of traditional and niche fields and provide frank and independent advice based on research and practical experience.

What we can do
If your organisation is involved in a dispute or requires independent expert testimony, the provision of advice from a UTS expert can assist in contesting your case. Our experts have provided expert testimony in a range of applied fields including, but not limited to:
- Engineering (including materials testing and failure)
- Materials science and metallurgy
- Occupational health and safety (including accident reviews)
- Design and construction
- Forensic science (such as fire analysis)
- Chemistry (including drug and food analysis
- Information technology (including software tracking)
- Software development, analysis and applicability
- Criminal and forensic evaluations.

Connect with our research centres and institutes
UTS research centres and institutes provide analysis and insights for government, businesses and not-for-profit organisations.
- Centre for Forensic Science
- Centre for Health Economics Research and Evaluation
- Centre for Technology in Water and Wastewater
- Institute for Public Policy and Governance
- Institute for Sustainable Futures
- ithree institute
- Strengthening Indigenous Communities
- Centre for Audio, Acoustics and Vibration
- Centre for Built Infrastructure Research
- Centre for Policy and Market Design
- Kidman Centre: Mental Health Treatment and Research for Young People