Dist. Prof Jie Lu receives The Australasian AI Award
The prestigious Australasian Artificial Intelligence Distinguished Research Contribution Award was presented to Jie Lu at the 35th Australasian Joint Conference on AI.

Distinguished Professor Jie Lu presented with The Australasian Artificial Intelligence Distinguished Research Contribution Award, 8th December 2022.
Australian Laureate Fellow Jie Lu has been presented with The Australasian Artificial Intelligence Distinguished Research Contribution Award, announced at the 35th Australasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Perth, Western Australia on 8th December 2022.
The Australasian AI Award is given to an outstanding researcher with influential research contributions to the field of Artificial Intelligence. Distinguished Professor Jie Lu has made numerous pioneering and fundamental contributions to both machine learning and fuzzy systems, in particular their integration to solve critical issues in transfer learning, concept drift detection and recommender systems.
She is an Australian Laureate Fellow, IEEE Fellow and IFSA Fellow. She has presented 40 keynote or plenary addresses at IEEE WCCI, SMC and other conferences; received 10 ARC Discovery Projects and one Linkage Project (all as first CI), and 20 grant projects from government and industry; has a career total of 500+ publications on AI theories and applications with 19,400+ citations and with an h-index of 73 (Google Scholar). She has received many other awards, including “Outstanding Paper Award of IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems” in both 2019 and 2022.
DISCOVER: Autonomous Learning - Australian Laureate Fellow Project by Distinguished Professor Jie Lu.