Finally, some good news

As regular readers of this newsletter know, talk of tech, media and the law can quickly turn dark, whether the topic be deepfakes in politics or misinformation in Malaysia. Even the seemingly positive news about tech/media/law tends to come with an asterisk, such as the latest developments in AI and newsrooms, or the Productivity Commission’s proposal to incentivise charities to give more to public interest journalism, a proposal which inevitably faces hurdles and delays.
Is there any good news that comes without a caveat?
Actually, yes there is. On Wednesday 21 August at 6pm, the UTS Allens Neota Law Tech Challenge for Social Justice will have its grand finale, which promises to be just as intriguing as last year’s final. For this event, teams of UTS law students have toiled long and hard to build apps for not-for-profit clients using Neota Logic software, aided by mentors and sponsorship from law firm Allens. I’ve watched the apps being built, and I’m very excited about what we’re going to see on Wednesday night. If you’re free, please join us for the live-stream. Registration details here.
Far be it from me to proselytise or editorialise. This newsletter is not the place for that. However, the Law Tech Challenge is excellent, and you should come along. Also, the government should ban gambling ads outright.

Sacha Molitorisz, Senior Lecturer - UTS Law