CLG Goes On-line to Deliver Distance Education

CLG is pleased to announce that it will have its first fully on-line short course available from the beginning of Spring semester this year. This first short course is Local Environmental Management and it will be available as a distance education unit, with an optional field visit.
The subject covers key issues and trends in local environment management and sustainable development and how councils can play a more effective role in this field. It aims to give participants a clear understanding of:
- Councils’ multiple roles and responsibilities in environmental and natural resource management
- Legislative trends, background and context
- Profiling, prioritizing and reviewing options for issue management
- Building alliances and shared outcomes with government agencies, communities and businesses
- Tools for better environmental management planning and reporting
- Natural asset management – policies, systems and frameworks
- Challenges and tips for accessing resources
- Fitting green issues into the broader sustainability context
- Building council capacity.
Successful completion of this subject can count towards the UTS Graduate Diploma in Local Government Management and Master of Local Government.
CLG is aiming to provide other subjects by distance education in the coming semesters so watch this space.
Tim Robinson