Digital Transformation: What Do Local Councils Need in the Digital Age?

As part of the Changing Landscapes research series, Civica engaged UTS:IPPG to discover the latest perspectives from local government professionals about their IT systems. A survey was completed by senior public sector professionals to find out how councils are responding to the changing landscape caused by digital transformation and what local government looks for when it comes to technology and digital solutions. The research findings have been published in Civica's latest report Digital Transformation: What do local councils need in the digital age? Key insights include:
- While the digital revolution remains a dynamic force that needs to be addressed, according to the respondents, it seems to be doing so in ways that are surprisingly uniform across local government.
- The majority of councils are looking to achieve efficiency through a flexible IT system that allows them to utilise preferred 3rd party solutions.
- These solutions should ideally include mobility and web-enablement, automation, reporting and business intelligence – while maintaining security of data.
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The report is available here.