New Report: Walking with Communities

New Report Highlights How Local Governments are Working Collectively with Communities to Shape Local Places
A new report from the University of Technology Sydney Centre for Local Government (CLG) explores the role of local governments in local renewal initiatives that include community input and involvement. The ‘Walking with Communities’ report highlights how local government is well placed to initiate and enable collective working models with residents and community stakeholders that respond to local area needs in meaningful, innovative and sustainable ways.
“Local governments are uniquely positioned to shape and build local places” says Sophi Bruce, Program Specialist at CLG and co-author of the report. “Through this research, we have found that councils who are exploring different ways of working with their communities have opened up opportunities for impactful collaborative approaches on local issues that are most important for residents.”
The report explores how local governments can adopt a facilitative and consultative role where place-focused programs and initiatives are informed by community. Burnie City Council in Tasmania and Penrith City Council in New South Wales are highlighted as case study examples of councils that are working with community stakeholders using collective and collaborative approaches. The councils have adopted new programs and initiatives to target local area renewal harnessing the ideas, perspectives and skills of local residents, who are enabled by the resources, advocacy and support of the councils.
“Collaboration initiatives between local governments and their communities must be based on quality dialogue that involves residents in a meaningful way. In the simplest of terms, this new model of practice shifts the focus of our work from ‘doing for’ residents to ‘walking with’ communities to combat place-based issues” Heather Chaffey, Place Co-ordinator, Penrith City Council and co-author said.
This report provides governments and stakeholders involved in local and place-focused renewal with ideas and tools that can help inform and shape new community collaboration initiatives for their own contexts.
‘Walking with Communities’ is relevant for organisations who seek to explore and create opportunities for community stakeholders to advocate and deliver for themselves.
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Further information
Professor Roberta Ryan
UTS Institute for Public Policy and Governance
UTS Centre for Local Government
t: +61 2 9514 2643