Graco Ramirez
Master of Business Administration
I was really interested in sports management and found out that UTS was one of the few universities...
I was really interested in sports management, and I researched universities in Sydney, and went to a fair in Mexico, and found out that UTS was one of the few universities that offered this course. I had spent a year in Sydney before as an exchange student and I really liked the city, and I knew about UTS. The moment I found out that what I wanted to study was here, I was pretty sure that I wanted to do it at UTS.
I’m really enjoying my time here a lot. I think my tutors have been really good. They know what they’re talking about and they love what they do, so it’s also really good to attend their classes.
I fell in love with Sydney. The moment that I finished my first exchange experience, I knew that I was coming back. There’s heaps of things to do. I love going out on the weekends here in Sydney and usually go to Bondi or Manly. Sydney has a good lifestyle, I always find something fun to do.