Naomi Broom
Project Administrator
I’ve always had in the back of my mind as an end result to get back to my own community.
Why did you take up the Bachelor of Business Administration?
This was the year that I know that I’m able to undertake study as well as take on full time work. I want to be able to move up in my career, and in the long term, in order to get a good job, you have to have a qualification these days.
How are you finding the degree so far?
The block mode is intense but the cohort is great because you find people from different areas, and the experience they bring with them is amazing, because you get to learn from what they have. Whether or not they’re younger or older, they have all these different experiences that they bring to the class. I really do believe that we have a support network between each other. If a student is struggling, then they know that they can turn to another student for help.
How do you find the coursework?
It’s really interesting because I can relate most of the information provided in this course back to my own work. The more I read into it, the more I understand why my manager is doing certain things, or if they’re doing the right thing – and it clicks! It’s really helpful and very relevant.
What is the best thing about the degree so far?
I like a challenge, and the best thing is that I believe I’m capable of undertaking full time work and full time uni. It may be a struggle, but I know that I’m strong enough to be self-disciplined and do what I have to do.
How do you see this degree advancing your career?
At the moment I’m really starting to like my assignment writing and research, so I am thinking about further studies after this degree. I would like to make a stepping stone into management, to be a manager myself after the next three years. Eventually at some point I do want to go back to my community. I’ve always had in the back of my mind as an end result to get back to my own community – to walk into an Aboriginal organisation, help them out in any way I can and then walk away with that pride and joy, and that excitement in me knowing that I helped my own community.
What would your advice be for someone who is looking at studying Business at UTS?
If you’re going to do the course, you have to be 100% committed – you can’t be a maybe. I’m learning self-discipline and I’m trying my best to undertake that.