Media production facilities
Students enrolled in Communication production subjects are given pin access to our Building 3 facilities to complete their media production assignments in video techniques, video editing, compositing and animation, emergent media authoring, website production, desktop publishing, online research, sound composition, recording and mixing and multiplatform practice.
Media production facilities
Media production facilities

Communication computer laboratories
Digital video editing lab (CB03.1.27)
Each workstation within the lab is equipped with Final Cut Pro, Premiere, CRT monitoring and Avid editing software. The lab operates on 1GB Ethernet cabling to an EditShare storage and archival server.
Digital media production (CB03.3.36)
Lab 336 is primarily used for video editing, compositing and authoring emergent media and contains 25 MacPro workstations. All workstations contain current versions of Apple and Adobe software. There are 3 HDV blu-ray burner decks for capture and output. An EditShare networked server is the main storage system for Final Cut Pro editing in this lab.
Mezzanine lab (CB03.2M.001)
This lab has 24 iMacs for students in video and sound, with space for using laptops and conducting meetings. A multi-function printer/scanner/photocopier is also available.
Digital media and sound production (CB03.03.337)
Lab 337 is used for sound and digital media production, and online research. The lab contains 32 iMac computers with Midi Controllers and current versions of Adobe software, Pro tools, Final Cut Pro and Ableton Live.
Journalism lab (CB010.05.340)
Computers facilities are available in the journalism workroom for students enrolled in Journalism subjects. The room contains iMac computers for desktop publishing, word processing and online research, charged printing and photocopying facilities, newspapers, phone recorder and video booth.
Specialised suites
Final Cut Pro HD Edit Suite
MediaLab manages three High Definition FCP 7 & X edit suites. Each suite is equipped with broadcast-standard HDTV and 4K monitors, high-end Apple Macintosh computers connected via fibre cabling to Editshare server storage. Computers are installed with a HD Extreme Decklink card for broadcast quality capturing, editing and playback and come with a comprehensive set of image manipulation effect and filter plugins. Each suite has stereo audio playback.
Colour correction suite
This specialised suite is used for colour correction of video on a MacPro computer with Apple LED monitoring as well as full HD projection for cinema colour. Colour correction software includes; Da Vinci and Apple Color. The suite is connected via fibre connection to central Editshare Server.
Voice over booths
Five voice-over booths are available using audacity audio recording software, studio voice microphone, stands and lighting.
Digital stop motion animation suites
Our stop motion animation facilities enable students to express their creativity through blending classic animation techniques with the latest digital technologies. Consisting of a designated drawing studio and four image capturing suites fitted with Canon 5D DSLR cameras, professional lighting systems and Dragonframe stop motion software.