Genetic Counselling student profiles
- Master of PhysiotherapyThe course provides lots of hands-on experience – there’s a lot more time for each person to learn.
- Master of Genetic CounsellingIt’s rewarding and a privilege talking with people about their journey and hearing their stories.
- Master of OrthopticsOrthoptics is a growing field; not only in Australia, but in other countries around the world.
- Master of OrthopticsThe course is goal-orientated and provides a strong platform for you to enter the workforce.
- Master of OrthopticsI chose UTS because it is the only university which offers the Orthoptics course.
- Master of OrthopticsOrthoptists are in high demand and the job has plenty of branches... it ticked all the boxes!
- Master of OrthopticsStudying Orthoptics gave me the motivation and direction I was looking for in my career path.
- Master of PhysiotherapyAs physiotherapy is an evolving discipline it made sense to come to the newest degree in the country
- Master of OrthopticsWhenever I’ve needed help, the orthoptic academics were always so approachable.
- Master of OrthopticsThis degree has opened my eyes to the opportunities available in Orthoptics