Undergraduate nursing profiles
- Bachelor of NursingI have become more open-minded and empathetic to others’ experiences.
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise ManagementI was drawn to the idea of working with elite athletes and gaining a taste of the sporting industry.
- Bachelor of NursingConnecting with patients is easily the most exciting and gratifying aspect of the course.
- Bachelor of NursingThrough clinical placement, I was able to grow and increase my confidence.
- Bachelor of NursingThe smiling faces and the care given to the patients is such a rewarding experience.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyI will always remember the women that I have worked with through pregnancy, birth and beyond.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyEach task is paving the way for me to be a competent, empathetic and caring midwife.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyAs a midwife, you are there with another human and you have the skills to make them feel better.
- Bachelor of Public HealthI always appreciate the opportunities to practically apply what we learn.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyYou build rapport with your tutors and your peers and you feel appreciated.