John Price
UTS was the only law school with flexible delivery catering to those employed wishing to do the JD.
What position do you currently hold and where? I have recently left my job in anticipation of the PLT requirements. I was previously an Assessment Officer at NEAS overseeing curriculum development in English Language Schools (including UTS College).
What does your job involve? I would check the language centre's curriculum for students and recommend changes if necessary before accrediting them for use.
What led you to choose UTS:Law for your studies? It was the only law school with flexible delivery catering to those employed wishing to do the JD.
Was your decision to study the Juris Doctor to advance your current career path or a career change? It began as a means for advancement but the more I progressed the more I realised that it was a career change.
How have your studies at UTS contributed to your career as a whole? How have they informed the way you work? It has opened up my choices available. It also gave my work more rigour and attention to detail.
What was the most rewarding aspect of your degree? Why? The most rewarding aspect is taking the journey with so many wonderful fellow students from such diverse backgrounds, both workwise and culturally. It has been an experience that has widened my horizon on so many different levels.
What is the most useful or important thing you learned from your studies at UTS? To not procrastinate. Work needs constant attention and a continual effort.
Was there anyone in particular at the University who had a significant influence on your studies? Marilyn Scott (Alternative Dispute Resolution) for making me realise how broad law can be in resolving client problems without resorting to the traditional adversarial approach.
Were you involved in extra-curricular activities such as the Mentoring program, Brennan program, Mooting, LSS? How has this experience aided your career development? No. Being a father of two young children (aged 13 and 4) all my extra time was rightly monopolised by my family.
What would your advice be for someone who is looking at studying Law at UTS? Your fellow students are your best resource. It still amazes me how generous my fellow students were with their time and advice.
Is there anything else you’d like to add about your experience at UTS:Law, or the University as a whole? It is such a wonderful campus with access to a real multicultural Sydney experience.
Find out more about our JD program at our information evening.