Emma Johnson
UTS:Law’s ability to stay current and relevant means I will be able to apply my knowledge...
Which high school did you attend? Mount Saint Joseph, Milperra
Which degree are you studying? What year are you in? 4th year, Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Laws
What influenced your decision to choose UTS:Law? The combination of the practical and theoretical aspects of law at UTS meant that I would be gaining an advantage over what other law degrees offered. Additionally, the centrally located UTS:Law campus was very easy for me to access.
How have your studies at UTS helped you in finding a career path? I am currently in the process of applying for summer internships with a range of firms, based on the recommendations of a number of the contacts I have made throughout my course. The opportunity to meet a range of field experts during the course not only gave me insights into the legal profession but also allowed me to make invaluable networking connections.
Are you working while studying? How do you manage the competing demands of university and work? I am currently working in a casual capacity in customer relations management whilst undertaking a full time semester load. Having a work schedule that is flexible allows me to manage the expectations of my employer with my university commitments. The flexibility of the course structure, which allows me to construct my own timetable, enables me to tailor my course days and times around what is most convenient for my employer.
How has your learning experience at UTS prepared you for your career? The course at UTS has exposed me to a range of professional and academic experts. This has allowed me to see how the law is applied in practical terms, within today’s ever-changing society. The course’s ability to stay current and relevant also means I will be able to apply my knowledge immediately once employed, adding value instantly to the firm.
What sets UTS students apart in your field? I believe UTS is a leader when it comes to the combination of academic and social cohesion. The inclusion of class participation marks in most subjects fosters healthy competition in tutorials and contributes to not only making students knowledgeable but also personable.
What is the most rewarding aspect of your degree? Why? The most rewarding aspect of me degree is the ability to complete subjects from both science and law within the same semesters, which keeps my learning experience diverse and enjoyable. The course also allows me to choose a number of electives that bring my two degrees into alignment, thereby enabling them to complement each other.
What sort of work do you hope to be doing after you graduate? I hope to initially work in a law firm before progressing to do in-house work for a company that could utilise both my legal and scientific expertise. Specifically, I would love to offer my legal services to a medical research or food engineering company.
What is the most useful thing you have learned from your degree so far? The degree has taught me to never underestimate the value of making professional connections and working hard at maintaining those connections.
Has anyone in particular at the University had a significant influence on your studies? My older brother completed a Bachelor of Business at UTS and was heavily involved with the UTS Ski Club. He gave me an insight into many of the clubs at UTS and events such as the Australian University Games, showing me the importance of balancing study with social activities at UTS.
What would your advice be for someone who is looking at studying Law at UTS? UTS:Law is a well-respected university degree that will take you places and open doors even before you graduate. I believe you really do get out what you put in throughout the course, and it’s important to balance study with work and socialising.
Is there anything else you’d like to add about your experience at UTS: Law, or the University as a whole? UTS is a great all-round university, providing students with the resources and options to make their time there both enjoyable and practically beneficial.