Rebecca Barbour
UTS has equipped me with all the tools I need to be a good lawyer and has fostered an enthusiasm for...
Which high school did you attend? Mount Carmel Catholic High School, Varroville (near Campbelltown). I completed school in Year 10 in 1996 and then went to Metropolitan Business College to qualify as a legal secretary.
What led you to choose UTS for your studies in Law? The amazing part-time program offered. I worked four days a week in the city for the duration of my six years at UTS, so it was really convenient to jump on a bus on George Street after work to get to my lectures and tutorials!
What are you doing now? Work, further study? I'm working as a lawyer at Minter Ellison. I was working here as a property paralegal during my studies; I clerked here two summers ago, and now I'm in my second rotation on the graduate program.
How have your studies at UTS helped you in finding a career path? I did a straight law degree and was fortunate enough to do 10 law electives! I was able to really indulge in studying a huge range of subjects in which I had an interest, from Succession and Family Law to Securities Markets and Banking Law. That really gave me a good insight into the areas I would like to explore further in practice. I really enjoyed Revenue Law, which led me to do Advanced Revenue law the following semester, and now I'm doing a rotation in the tax group at Minters.
How has your learning experience at UTS prepared you for your career? And in what ways does it contribute now? It has equipped me with all the tools I need to be a good lawyer and has fostered an enthusiasm for continuous and lifelong learning, which is an absolute necessity in our field.
What sets UTS graduates apart in your field? The ability to complete PLT as part of our (straight) Law degree. Because of this, I was admitted shortly before I started as a graduate, and was my first rotation was litigation because I could appear in court. It also meant that I was able to focus on my new life as a graduate, without having to juggle College of Law.
What was the most useful thing you learnt from your course? The legal research tools – I used them throughout my degree, and continue to use them at work. The law is constantly changing, and these tools allow us to continually be on top of that.
Was there anyone in particular at the University who had a significant influence on your studies? No one person in particular – it was more the UTS community in general from which I really benefitted. Learning and excellence were really encouraged, and it was a really dynamic and collaborative environment.
What was the most rewarding aspect of your degree? Why? Completing my degree with first class honours and receiving the prize for four subjects. I was a 26 year old juggling uni and work, studying with people who had just been the top students at their respective high schools. It was a little daunting at first, but I knew that I wanted to study and do well in law, and the hard work definitely paid off!
What would your advice be for someone who is looking at studying Law at UTS? Be passionate about the subject matter, and about doing well, and you can't help but succeed.
Do you intend to maintain a relationship with or continue your involvement with UTS? If so, in what capacity? I am part of the Alumni Network and do hope to remain involved with UTS, to some extent, for many years to come.
Is there anything else you’d like to add about your experience at UTS:Law, or the University as a whole? If it wasn't for UTS, I wouldn't be where I am today. I thought it was a fantastic uni, and what makes it even more so is that it continually strives to be even better