Samantha Low
I definitely think the structure of UTS suits me, with its practical approach to learning.
“I chose UTS because it’s got a reputation for being really innovative, which I found really interesting. Law is seen as very traditional, so I was very interested to see how UTS was going to change that and challenge the way we think about law.
I definitely think the structure of UTS suits me, with its practical approach to learning. The types of assignments we do are collaborative, and there’s a good balance of lectures and tutorials. I was involved in both my faculty societies; The Law Society and The Business Society. I participated in a couple of competitions with The Law Society, such as negotiations. That was fun, but also quite valuable for your resume and just getting the law experience before you're in the workforce.
I think because it’s such a practical degree, we do get a lot of opportunities to develop our skills such as public speaking and group work. These skills have definitely helped me feel career-ready.
One of my highlights at UTS was being a Peer Networker. We volunteer during Orientation and it is a really great way to meet other students from different backgrounds and other faculties. I like helping new students get to know the university; it really makes it feel like this is home.
I have used the Medical Service to visit the doctor, and when I was going through a very difficult period of my life, I used the Counselling Service. I’ve only got glowing things to say about them. I think these two services are especially important for international students. It’s actually a lot easier to go to the doctor at university because they understand we’re on a private health insurance. There is a culture shock when you move your whole life to a different country, so a lot of students could benefit from speaking to someone at the Counselling Service.”