Sasa Zekanovic
UTS Law has been nothing but amazing (as well as exceptionally challenging)
Are you working while studying?
Yes, I've actually just got a new job working in sales at Telstra.
What does your job involve? Is it related to your degree?
My job is related to my Business degree, as my Major is Marketing. One of my electives this semester is Pricing Strategies and Tactics, and I've actually used quite a lot of that knowledge towards doing sales.
How do you manage the competing demands of university and work?
It's tough, but you need to find a healthy balance between university, work and social life. I try and get uni work done as early as possible so I have nights free, but it all depends on how many shifts I have and how many assignments. Especially as I'm only just starting my new job I can't cancel or say no to shifts, but it's all about time management and prioritising.
What led you to choose UTS Law for your studies?
I did a year of Business and loved the university, but just wanted something different as well. UTS Law has been nothing but amazing (as well as exceptionally challenging)!
What is the most rewarding aspect of your degree? Why?
The most rewarding aspect is when you get a really great mark and you feel extremely proud of all the work you've put in. My achievement in Criminal Law has also led to research jobs and work experience opportunities, which I'm extremely grateful for.
Where would you like your degree to take your career?
I love Criminal Law, and I'd love to be working in that field. I love being 'hands-on', so ideally I'd like to be a Barrister. My ultimate goal is to be a Judge some day.
Are you involved in extra-curricular activities such as the Mentoring program, Brennan program, Mooting, LSS? How has this experience aided your career/personal development?
Between work and university, I don't have much time for too many extra-curriculars. However, I did work with Penny Crofts conducting research for the next edition of the Criminal Laws textbook, which was great experience, and incredibly rewarding.
What would your advice be for someone who is looking at studying Law at UTS?
Just give it 100%. Make sure you keep up with the content - the more classes you attend, the more likely you are to get a HD!
Is there anything else you’d like to add about your experience at UTS Law, or the University as a whole?
Just enjoy it! Learn as much as you can and enjoy your university experience.