Acacia Kutay
UTS has outstanding technology to have the best learning experience and awesome people to have a...
What degree you are currently studying?
Bachelor of Advanced Science (Pre-medicine)
What motivated you to study this degree/major?
I am hoping to go into medicine as a postgraduate and this course is the perfect degree to transition into medicine. I have always wanted to go into medicine.
What do you enjoy most about your degree?
The friendship formed between the people in the course because we are a small group and the interesting subjects.
Why did you choose to study at UTS?
It is close to my home and found the subjects in science to be the most interesting as well as have the best facilities.
What is it like to study at UTS Science?
You find a lot of people similar to yourself, so it is easy to make friends. Everything seems very professional, but I still have fun with my lab partner or friends. It is the best of both, you have the outstanding technology to have the best learning experience and awesome people to have a great time while learning.
Is there any advice you would give to students studying this degree?
Just because a subject seems easy at the beginning don't put it aside because they are just trying to ease you into it and try not to miss lectures.
What would you like to do once you complete by your degree?
My degree is just a stepping stone for medicine but once I have done that I would like to be a medical examiner.
What other activities do you participate/do at uni?
I am part of two clubs, egg gamers guild and the food apprecation society.
Tell us something interesting about yourself
I have a weird mix of interests like I love playing sports, but spend all my free time reading. I have spent most of my life in bed sick which is one of the main reasons I wanted to go into medicine. When I was a baby, I contracted a bug overseas that had to be treated with strong antibiotics. After that my immune system crashed and I would catch every illness under the sun. I now take tablets every day to keep my immune system running normally. I think this experience is what makes me easy to connect with and always happy. It’s made me a stronger person.