Benjamin Ford
The best experiences were the excursions where I saw concepts we had learnt in classroom translated...
What exactly does your work/job entail?
Weed control and some landscaping in bush reserves around Sydney.
What part of your work inspires you the most? Why do you find it interesting?
I enjoy working in some of the most beautiful bushland in Sydney. To arrive at work every day with harbour views and surrounded by native trees and birds is very inspiring.
Do you find the skills you learnt during your degree useful and versatile?
My degree gave me a good basic knowledge of ecology which I am able to apply to many different situations.
What have been your ‘best’ professional achievements?
My best achievements have been the improvements to the bush reserves I work in. It is a slow process, but gradually the work I do allows the native flora to re-establish.
What did you personally gain from your studies?
I developed skills I never dreamed I was capable of, such as scientific research and communication skills. I also had my curiosity satisfied on a daily basis.
What was it like to study at UTS Science?
I was surprised at the level of support I had throughout my degree and during honours. The labs and facilities are excellent. The best experiences were definitely the excursion subjects where I got to see firsthand the concepts we had learned in the classroom.
What advice can you give to students considering studying this degree?
You will get out of it what you put in. There is hard work involved, but it is always enjoyable and the rewards are enormous.