Leonard Cheung
Take a step forward, be adventurous, learn a new skill and make the most of your years at university...
What is your major?
What motivated you to study this degree/major?
I enjoyed science at school and seeing some demonstrations at various open days at different universities really inspired me to pursue it at university.
What do you enjoy most about your degree?
Definitely the lab sessions. The lab sessions put into practice the theory learned in lectures and are always interesting. Whether you are synthesising conducting polymers, gold nanoparticles, magnetic liquids, photochromic compounds (ones that change colour after exposure to light) or using electron microscopes; every lab is interesting and fun.
Why did you choose to study at UTS?
UTS was one of three universities which offered nanotechnology as a major. Also a scholarship was offered to me.
What is it like to study at UTS Science?
I spent my time on campus in various in ways: in labs, lectures, tutorials or workshops. However, not all your time is spent in class; there are a variety of clubs for sports and other interests allowing you to meet a different people.
Is there any advice you would give to students studying this degree?
Your first year should not be approached with trepidation. Everyone else is in the same situation (a nervous wreck!), but there are a lot of opportunities to meet and make friends; and see old ones be it in clubs, in class or in the cafeteria. Take a step forward, be adventurous, learn a new skill and make the most of your years at university!
What would you like to do once you complete by your degree?
Science offers flexibility when entering the workforce. Anything which I can apply the skills I learnt from my degree would be perfect.
What other activities do you participate/do at uni?
As a Senior UPASS leader, I facilitate peer-assisted study sessions for first year subjects and mentor any new UPASS leaders.
I am a ‘Science SPROUT’, where I conduct tours and help during workshops for school groups on campus and other outreach programs like Open Day.
I am also an ‘Equity and Diversity Unit tutor ambassador’ which involves going out school in south west Sydney to run tutorial sessions for students in different year levels from 7 to 12. These session aim to empower students to aim for university where they might be the first in their family to attend.
Tell us something interesting about yourself
I am a complete sucker for murder mystery novels especially those written by Agatha Christie which might be a bit odd as I chose not to study the forensics major!