Francesca Gisi
UTS gave me the practical skills for working in the lab and also report writing skills to present...
What is your current job title?
Research Projects Officer, CSIRO Land and Water
What I do now:
I work part-time at CSIRO whilst completing my degree. My role in Aquatic Ecotoxicology involves the maintenance of algal and invertebrate cultures, toxicity tests with effluents and chemicals using bacteria, algae and invertebrates, statistical analysis from toxicity tests and writing up of reports for clients. In addition, climate change research involves experiments to determine the combined toxic effect of contaminants (metals and organics) and increasing temperatures in aquatic systems.
Another aspect of my work at CSIRO is ‘Mechanistic Ecogenomics’. I am currently involved in projects that are measuring gene expression to determine response to pollutants in a variety of aquatic organisms. I am also assisting in the development of biomarkers to measure oxidative stress in algae. We are also looking at the response of algae to oil.
The best part of the job is the research, learning and acquiring new skills and knowledge and knowing that I am protecting the environment in some way. UTS gave me the practical skills for working in the lab, particularly in running experiments and also report writing skills to present results in a clear and succinct way.
My future:
I would like to continue my career and research at CSIRO, and I am planning to do an honours degree within the aquatic ecotoxicology and ecogenomics area.