Kristine Borisova
UTS's central location and the availability of IT facilities 24/7 is a big draw card for me.
What motivated you to study this degree?
I chose this because it is a combination of my favourite subjects, which are mathematics and information technology.
Why did you choose to study at UTS?
My decision to come to Sydney, Australia was an "out of the blue" decision! Nonetheless, I did lots of prior research on the internet and also by talking to lots of people - just to make sure!
Having said that I have always wanted to study overseas so I can learn and use English. It so happened that a UTS representative was presenting in my hometown and my dad found out about it, so we went and attended the presentation. We found it to be interesting and useful, and Australia became a logical and perfect choice!
UTS's central location and the availability of IT facilities 24/7 is a big draw card for me, especially as an international student who rents in Sydney and might not readily have internet connection at home. The recognition of prior learning on my Diploma was also a big plus.
What is it like to study at UTS Science?
Believe it or not, the one survival skill I think is vital and which I gained at university is good organisation. This is also the key to my success.
In the course that I studied, I got to choose a variety of subjects from different areas within mathematics and information technology. In my opinion, many other courses have similar subjects, where as I get to experience the diversity, which is great."
I chose mathematics and information technology because I will have two different aspects as career pathways - I could pursue consultancy work in operations research or be employed in an IT firm. All major companies rely on computations, calculations and IT. Therefore, professionals in both fields are highly regarded and sought after.
What advice would you give a student thinking of studying this degree?
It is really important at the beginning of each semester that you know what assignments and exams you will have and jot them down in your diary, so that you know exactly when and what you have to submit - no one will remind you! Try to plan ahead instead of working on your assignment the last minute.
Learn to prioritise and know which assignments are more important! Attend all your lectures - it is so easy and it helps heaps!