Navigating Year 10 Subject Selection
Choosing subjects for Year 11 and Year 12 can be daunting. But it doesn’t have to be. We sat down with current UTS students to hear their tips and tricks for acing subject selection.

Photo credit: Toby Burrows
Tip #1 Study what you love
When you think about your subjects, it’s important to remember that you’ll be studying these for two years. Choosing subjects that you enjoy, and that you are passionate about, will not only make studying easier, but will help improve your grades. And if you smash Year 11? You might be eligible for Early Entry!
Don’t worry, if what you’re interested in changes over the two years, UTS doesn’t have prerequisites for our courses, meaning you won’t be precluded from studying a degree based on the subjects you choose now.
Tip #2 Your hard work can pay off
While there aren’t prerequisites for getting into a course, studying subjects that relate to your course may help boost your application into UTS!
If you perform well in subjects relating to your desired course, you may get up to 5 adjustment factors through our Year 12 Subject Scheme. For example, if you’re interested in studying Science at UTS, and do well in science subjects in Year 12, you can be rewarded! Check out our Year 12 adjustment factors table.
Tip #3 Get a second opinion
Talk to those around you to get a second opinion. Whether it’s your parents, teachers, friends, or careers adviser, bouncing ideas off someone else will help you narrow down your choices. They’ve been through the process and will be able to provide some help.
And if you’re still stuck? Why not book in a 1-1 consultation with a UTS student ambassador and chat about your options.
Tip #4 Make any decision, as long as it’s your decision
We don’t think this one needs much explaining. At the end of the day, you’re the one that will be studying the subjects, so you should have the last say.
Need some extra help? We’ve also got a Subject Selection Guide.