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Sustainable cities and communities (11)

The role of social norms and misperceptions on Muslim women’s work outcomes

This research examines how cultural expectations and community perceptions, rather than professional qualifications, influence employment decisions among highly educated Muslim women in Australia's workforce. This research explores how social norms, childcare considerations, and community perceptions influence Muslim women's employment decisions.

Understanding Trends in Youth Participation in Sport

The physical, social and mental health benefits of sport, particularly organised and team sport, are well-documented. Despite this, studies show that physical activity among school-aged adolescents remains insufficient. This research project explored the levels of regular participation in sport among young people from 10 countries, their attitudes towards sports participation and the barriers  – including current global challenges such as COVID-19 and the cost-of-living crisis – that prevent them from playing more sport. 

Immigrant parents’ challenges and their children’s educational choices

Imagine if language barriers, unfamiliar systems, and everyday challenges constrained your dreams for your children's education. In the heart of Western Sydney's diverse communities, immigrant parents face this reality as they navigate their children's educational pathways.  This research explores how their perceptions, challenges, and aspirations influence their children's pathways to university education.

Measuring the social impact of the Africultures Festival

Empowering the well-being of immigrants and refugees in their new communities is crucial for reducing power disparities and fostering inclusive societies. This research explores how cultural festivals can generate social well-being of marginalised communities through connecting people from different cultural backgrounds and celebrating differences.

Australian electricity price dynamics: The impact of renewable energy

Following ambitious renewable energy targets set by state and federal governments to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, Australia is leading globally in the transition to renewable energy generation. This research explores how the rapid uptake of wind and solar generation has impacted spot electricity prices in the Australian National Electricity Market.

Helping small and medium size businesses decarbonise

UTS, in partnership with Unilever, Foodbuy, Scotpac, Origin Zero, ASBFEO, John Holland and AI Group are embarking on an interdisciplinary project to help Australia’s small and medium size businesses decarbonise. 

Business cycle and long-run implications of increasing heat stress

What do the increasing temperatures caused by climate change mean for businesses? This research explores the economic cost of heat stress and its impact on labour capacity – aiming to contribute to the design of the best working restriction schedules under heat stress.

The life journey of an average receipt

Would you like a receipt? Across the globe this phrase is heard daily, following each purchase no matter how big or small. This research project explores the environmental impact behind this question – comparing the immediate impacts of an average paper receipt versus a digital alternative.