Our custom-built Education facilities
School of International Studies and Education facilities
The UTS City Campus is a dynamic network of student-centric spaces in the heart of one of the world’s great cities. It’s been a labour of love — over the last five years, we’ve invested more than $1.2 billion to build a world-leading physical learning environment that aligns with the UTS approach to education. It’s young, vibrant and technology-led, and it’s been designed to inspire and shape your university experience both in the classroom and beyond.
In the School of International Studies & Education, you’ll study in new purpose-built facilities that include collaborative theatres and hybrid learning environments, state of the art student study areas, as well as a visual arts room, music rooms and dance studio, and modern science teaching labs, many of them located in the award-winning UTS building 10.
Video: UTS Education Facilities Tour

UTS Education Facilities Tour
You can choose to study primary or secondary education at UTS. Our custom-built facilities are designed to help you learn how to best teach these students using the latest technology. You'll be assigned to one of over 400 schools in your first semester and complete at least 88 days of practice throughout your course. Our experimental learning studio is a flexible teaching space that allows students to learn and teach in an unconventional classroom. This equips students to teach in different and modern environments when they step out into the workforce.
We are now in our science lab which simulates a range of equipment and materials that are used in high schools. In this lab you'll get to not only learn and practice the principles of teaching science to high school students but you'll also get to do some really cool experiments.
If art is what you're into then you'll be using this studio a lot. This space facilitates for creative learning in different forms of visual arts so that you can take those skills to the classroom. In here students get to create paintings, ceramics, drawings and digital art in this fully equipped art studio. We're now in our music and performance studio where students studying a music or dance subject learn how to teach primary students. They also get to use the wide range of musical instruments seen here to extend their musical knowledge. Find out more at fasslane.uts.edu.au