On Wednesday 4 December 2019 the UTS Techcelerator hosted its first Demonstration Day to celebrate the 2019 cohort of tech founders and their prototyping journey. UTS hosted over 200 leaders in the innovation and startup ecosystem at the event.
Demonstration Day 2019
Techcelerator Prize Winners
There were three prizes awarded on the night.

The Most Innovative Prototype Award was presented to MicroPro Creations. A team of two PhD candidates Steven Vasilescu (CTO) and Sajad Razavi Bazaz, who the judges believe demonstrated the most originality and innovation in their prototype. This $2,500 award will hopefully support and encourage this high-performing student team to further their microfluidic technology, to reframe male infertility treatment. This team also was awarded the People’s Choice Award, a prize valued at $500 which aims to encourage a popular student or student team from the Techcelerator program that most impresses the demonstration day audience. (Photo: The MicroPro Creations team of Sajad Razavi Bazaz and Steven Vasilescu (CTO) winners of the Most Innovative Prototype Award with their Supervisor Majid Warkiani, Michael Blumenstein (Associate Dean, Research), Brendan Elliot (Jobs for NSW) and Jeri Childers (Director, Techcelerator) .

The Most Technically Feasible Prototype Award was presented to Skinsaver, an undergraduate team led by Sadia Khan (CTO) with Madeline Hennessey, Frank Peng, Ben Franzi and Theo Xavier. This team convinced the judges of their most technically feasible solution to the problem of affordable, accessible and reliable skincare. This $2,500 prize will hopefully support and encourage this high-performing student team to mitigate the costs associated with prototyping and encourage further development of their prototype. (Photo: The SkinSaver team of Sadia Khan (CTO), Madeline Hennessey (not pictured), Frank Peng, Ben Franzi and Theo Xavier winners of the Most Innovative Prototype Award, with Michael Blumenstein (Associate Dean, Research), Brendan Elliot (Jobs for NSW) and Jeri Childers (Director, Techcelerator) )