Diverse teams bring diverse thinking and innovation. Partner with us to support diversity and inclusiveness in engineering and IT.
Partner with UTS Women in Engineering and IT

Lucy mentors and their mentees, Lucy Mentoring Graduation 2022 at CBA. Photo credit: Kwa Nguyen.
Our programs
Benefits of partnering
By supporting the Women in Engineering and IT program, your organisation would provide us with resources to grow and evaluate current initiatives including Lucy Mentoring, STEM programs in schools, community building events and professional development opportunities for women in engineering and IT.
Benefits of partnering with us could include:
- Access to diverse pool of talent through networking and promotional channels for employment
- Invitation to UTS Women in Engineering and IT community events and opportunity to present
- Skilled volunteering opportunities with our school outreach programs including giving inspirational talks and hands-on activities to develop STEM skills
- Branding opportunities on marketing collateral and research reports on gender diversity in STEM
- Networking and branding opportunities at events involving industry professionals, academics and students
- Guaranteed opportunities to mentor students in our highly-esteemed Lucy Mentoring program for Women in Engineering and IT