A message from the Director, Professor Susan Morton
Director's welcome

Welcome to INSIGHT - the UTS Research Institute for Innovative Solutions for Well-being and Health. INSIGHT is a unique pan-University Institute focused on driving positive systemic change in access to, and delivery of, heath and health-related services to address complex and entrenched health challenges.
Having spent more than two decades researching the health of populations over their life course it is clear that in order to improve health and well-being and reduce inequalities in health outcomes across and within populations, we need to take a multi-dimensional, cross-disciplinary approach that acknowledges the multitude of factors that impact health and well-being: from the innate characteristics of an individual to the context of their families and their connections with communities; the way they are enabled or not enabled to access services; through to the way we design our services and our physical and virtual environments; as well as the way health and health-related policy is designed and implemented.
To transform health and well-being we need to bring together researchers, governments, industry and consumers to exchange knowledge and apply multi-disciplinary expertise to co-produce fit for purpose sustainable solutions that can be applied at scale.
And this is why we established INSIGHT.
INSIGHT provides a convening space to foster collaborations between communities, researchers and decision makers to support the establishment of multi-disciplinary research programs that focus on improving population health and well-being outcomes.
Our vision is for healthy lives for all across their life course – with no group left behind.
We will leverage established research excellence to build innovative solutions to complex health issues that contribute significantly to disease burden and reduced quality of life at the national and global level. Priority will be given to the health and well-being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as well as women and children’s health across the life course and the wellbeing of those in older age and those living with chronic and life-limiting conditions.
We have ambitious goals and objectives. We believe that by bringing together the right people with forward-thinking ideas and expertise, we will be able to transform health outcomes in our local and global communities for decades to come.
Professor Susan Morton MNZM BSc(Hons) MBChB PhD FAFPHM FNZCPHM
Director, INSIGHT
University of Technology Sydney