Want to spice up your university experience? Look no further with Stacey's guide to volunteering on campus.
Volunteering opportunities
If all you do is wake up, go to university and sleep once you get home, why not add a little spice to your university experience by volunteering around campus?
Not only is it a chance to meet people outside of your degree, but this is something valuable to add to your resume. Employers love the idea of graduates showing initiative and holding great communication skills; all the things you can learn when you get involved. Here are a couple of organisations on campus that you can help out at UTS!

The Peer Network
Peer Networkers help new students at orientation related events. As a volunteer, you will answer any questions students have, organise tours of the campus, staff the help-desk and coffee cart and loads more. Peer Networkers receive extra training and recognition, as well as invites to special events. This will give you the chance to help new students once you have settled in after your first semester at UTS.
Higher Education Language and Presentation Support (HELPS)
HELPS offers a number of volunteering opportunities for students to try out. This program enlists volunteers to help international students enhance their English skills through casual conversation. In return, you have the opportunity to mingle with those from other cultures and potentially practice a language you have been eager to try.
The Pack
If helping out in festivals and events is more your thing, then The Pack might be the way to go. ActivateUTS, the organisation behind UTS student engagement organises a heap of events throughout the year to keep us all surviving through assignments and exams. These events include O’Day, Summerfest and the Amazing Race, just to name a few. And you also get rewarded with points from the hours you work which can go towards coffee, bar and movie vouchers and training courses. Win, win.
There are plenty more opportunities to get involved. Use the UTS CareersHub search engine to find external volunteering positions that might suit you!
– Stacey Federicks
Orthoptics student