Recent job placements and publications

Job Placements
Graduate | Year | Employer |
Ljubomir Pupovac | 2019 | University of NSW |
Alex Belli | 2018 | University of Adelaide |
Anne-Maree O'Rourke | 2018 | University of Queensland |
Belinda Barton | 2020 | Bond University |
Manjunath Padigar | 2021 | University of Groningen |
Atya Zeb | 2021 | Westminster International University in Tashkent |
Ella Bruce | 2023 | Glen Tanar Estate |
Selected Publications
Belli, A., Carrillat, F.A., Zlatevska, N., & Cowley, E. (2024). How does time pressure influence risk preferences? Answers from a meta-analysis, Journal of Consumer Research, 50(6), 1172–1197. |
Smith, A., Zlatevska, N., Chowdhury, R., & Belli, A. (2023). A meta-analytical assessment of the effect of deontological evaluations and teleological evaluations on ethical judgments/intentions, Journal of Business Ethics, 188, 553-588. |
Noguti, V., Ho, H., Padigar, M., & Zhang, S. (2023). Does Individual Ambidexterity and Career Experience Help Technological Startup Founders Acquire Funding? IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 70(12), 4162-4174. |
Padigar, M., Pupovac, L., Sinha, A., & Srivastava, R. (2022). The effect of marketing department power on investor responses to announcements of AI-embedded new product innovations. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50, 1277–1298. |
Pupovac, L., Carrillat, F.A. and Michayluk, D. (2022). Slicing vs chunking product-harm crisis: antecedents and firm performance implications, European Journal of Marketing, 56 (7), 1856-1884. |
Ullah, Rahat & Ahmad, Ghayur & Adis, Azaze & Zeb, Atya. (2022). Advertisers use online reviews to design more effective advertisements. Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 20, 237-244. |
Belli, A., Carrillat, F.A., Zlatevska,N., & Cowley, E. (2022).The wellbeing implications of maximizing: A conceptual framework and meta-analysis, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 32 (4), 573-596. |
O’Rourke, A.-M., Belli, A. & Mathmann, F. (2022). Mitigating implicit racial bias in tipping: when direct and indirect experience matters, Journal of Consumer Marketing |
O’Rourke, A-M., Carrillat, F.A., & Wang, P.Z. (2022). Is brand differentiation necessary for success? The role of purchase goal and confidence in the brand’s position, Journal of Marketing Management, 38 (3-4), 369-97. |
Barton, B., Zlatevska, N., & Oppewal, H. (2022). Scarcity tactics in marketing: A meta-analysis of product scarcity effects on consumer purchase intentions, Journal of Retailing, 98(4), 741-758. |
Belli, A., O’Rourke, A-M., Carrillat, F., Pupovac, L., Melnyk, V., & Napolova, E. (2021). 40 years of loyalty programs: how effective are they? Generalizations from a meta-analysis. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50(1), 147-173. |
Barton, B.L., Burke, P.F. & Waller, D.S. (2021). Effects of anxiety on preferences for generic medicines in Australia. Health Promotion International, 36(1), 187-195. |
Pedada, K., Padigar, M., Sinha, A., & Dass, M. (2021). Developed market partner’s relative control and the termination likelihood of an international joint venture in an emerging market, Journal of Business Research, 135 (October), 295-303. |
Carrillat, F.A., O’Rourke, A-M., & Plourde, C. (2019). Celebrity endorsement in the world of luxury fashion – when controversy can be beneficial, Journal of Marketing Management, 35, (13-14), 1193-1213. |