Here's a comprehensive list of contact details for Faculty of Engineering and IT staff.
Faculty contacts
Find the right staff member to help
Course Directors
Academic advice regarding your course or core subjects that the Student Centre is unable to provide is available from a Course Director. This might include topics such as progressions advice, recognition of prior learning etc.
Position | Name | |
Engineering | Course Director, Bachelor of Engineering suite | Tania Machet |
Information technology | Course Director, Bachelor of IT suite (formerly Bachelor of Science in IT suite) | Luke Mathieson |
Course Director, IT Honours | Valerie Gay | |
Course Director, Bachelor of Computing Science (Honours) | Angela Huo | |
Course Director, Bachelor of IT (Co-op Scholarship) | Srinivas Madhisetty | |
Course Director, Bachelor of Computing Science (IDeA) | Fahimeh Ramezani | |
Course Director, Bachelor of Games Development | Jaime Garcia | |
Course Director, Bachelor of Information Systems | Morteza Saberi | |
Course Director, Bachelor of Artificial Intelligence | Nabin Sharma | |
Course Director, Bachelor of Cybersecurity | Priyadarsi Nanda | |
Course Director, Bachelor of Cybersecurity (IDeA) | Xu Wang |
Position | Name | |
Engineering | Course Director, Master of Engineering suite | TBA |
Course Director, Master of Engineering Management suite | Hiyam Al-Kilidar | |
Course Director, Master of Engineering Management suite (Offshore, Shanghai) | Helen Lu | |
Information technology | Course Director, Master of IT suite | Nico Pietroni |
Course Director, Master of Interaction Design suite | Sam Ferguson | |
Course Director, Master of Animation and Visualisation suite | Andrew Johnston | |
Course Director, Master of Cybersecurity suite | Priyadarsi Nanda | |
Course Director, Master of Artificial Intelligence | Nabin Sharma | |
UTS Online (OPM) | Course Director, Master of Technology Management suite | Valerie Gay |
microcredentials | Program Coordinator, IT Short Courses & Microcredentials | Ali Braytee |
Major Coordinators
Academic advice regarding your major that the Student Centre is unable to provide is available from a Major Coordinator. If you don't have a major, please contact your relevant Course Director. This might include topics such as progressions advice, recognition of prior learning etc.
Academic advisers can provide assistance with Academic Caution or Early Intervention – please contact the relevant academic for your course or major. If an academic adviser is not specified, please contact your Major Coordinator or Course Director.
School codes
BE – Biomedical Engineering
CEE – Civil and Environmental Engineering
CS – Computer Science
EDE – Electrical and Data Engineering
EIT – Engineering and Information Technology (faculty level)
MME – Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
PPL – Professional Practice and Leadership
Position | School | Name | |
Engineering | Major Coordinator, Advanced Manufacturing | MME | Nathalie Sick |
Major Coordinator, Biomedical | BE | Ali Entezari | |
Major Coordinator, Chemical Process Engineering | CEE | Leonard Tijing | |
Major Coordinator, Civil | CEE | Kasun De Silva Wijayaratna | |
Major Coordinator, Civil and Environmental | CEE | Limei Yang | |
Major Coordinator, Data Science | EDE | Kai Wu | |
Major Coordinator, Electrical | EDE | Youguang Guo | |
Major Coordinator, Electronic | EDE | Yang Yang | |
Major Coordinator, Flexible (no specified major) | EIT | Chris Wong | |
Major Coordinator, ICT | EDE | Wayne Brookes | |
Major Coordinator, Mechanical | MME | Matthias Guertler | |
Major Coordinator, Mechatronic | MME | Graeme Best | |
Major Coordinator, Professional Practice Program | PPL | Jeremy Lindeck | |
Major Coordinator, Renewable Energy Engineering | EDE | Jahangir Hossain | |
Major Coordinator, Software | CS | David Milne | |
Information Technology | Major Coordinator, Business Information Systems Management | CS | Amara Atif |
Major Coordinator, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics | CS | Jun Li | |
Major Coordinator, Cybersecurity and Privacy | CS | Angela Huo | |
Major Coordinator, Data Analytics | CS | Mukesh Prasad | |
Major Coordinator, Enterprise Systems Development | CS | Firas Al-Doghman | |
Major Coordinator, Interaction Design | CS | Wade Marynowsky | |
Major Coordinator, Networking & Cybersecurity | EDE | Wenjing Jia | |
Major Coordinator, Mathematical Analysis | MATH | James Brown | |
Major Coordinator, Quantum Information Science | CS | Michael Bremner |
Major / Area of study | School | Name | |
Engineering | Major Coordinator, Biomedical | BE | Helen Xu |
Major Coordinator, Civil | CEE | Xinqun Zhu | |
Major Coordinator, Computer Control | BE | Steven Su | |
Major Coordinator, Cybersecurity | EDE | Priyadarsi Nanda | |
Major Coordinator, Electrical Energy Systems | EDE | Yam Siwakoti | |
Major Coordinator, Energy Planning & Policy | PPL | Suwin Sandu | |
Major Coordinator, Environmental | CEE | Peter Irga | |
Major Coordinator, Geotechnical | CEE | Haleh Rasekh | |
Major Coordinator, Manufacturing and Management / Mechanical | MME | JC Ji | |
Major Coordinator, Robotics | MME | Shoudong Huang | |
Major Coordinator, Software Systems | CS | David Milne | |
Major Coordinator, Structural | CEE | Mina Mortazavi | |
Major Coordinator, Telecommunications / Telecommunications and Electronics | EDE | ||
Major Coordinator, Tunnelling and Underground | CEE | Haleh Rasekh | |
Major Coordinator, Water | CEE | Peter Irga | |
Information Technology | Major Coordinator, Business and Technology | ISM | Dilek Cetindamar Kozanoglu |
Major Coordinator, Business Information Systems | CS | Madhushi Bandara | |
Major Coordinator, Cybersecurity | EDE | Priyadarsi Nanda | |
Major Coordinator, Data Analytics | CS | YK Wang | |
Major Coordinator, Information Systems | CS | Faezeh Karimi | |
Major Coordinator, Interaction Design | CS | Elise van den Hoven | |
Major Coordinator, Interactive Media | CS | Sam Ferguson | |
Major Coordinator, Internetworking | EDE | Qiang Wu | |
Major Coordinator, No specified major | EIT | Rene Leveaux | |
Major Coordinator, Software Development | CS | Firas Al-Doghman |
School management and Responsible Academic Officers
The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology is composed of seven Schools which house its academic sub-disciplines. Responsible Academic Officers (RAO) are senior academic staff with delegated responsibility to undertake various student-related administrative tasks.
Biomedical Engineering | Head of School | David Gallego Ortega |
Deputy Head of School (T&L) & RAO | Hiyam Al-Kilidar | |
Civil and Environmental Engineering | Head of School | Daichao Sheng |
Deputy Head of School (T&L) & RAO | Behzad Fatahi | |
Computer Science | Head of School | Paul Kennedy |
Deputy Head of School (T&L) & RAO | Luke Mathieson | |
Electrical and Data Engineering | Head of School | Massimo Piccardi |
Deputy Head of School (T&L) & RAO | Wayne Brookes | |
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering | Head of School | Teresa Vidal Calleja |
Deputy Head of School (T&L) & RAO | Alen Alempijevic | |
Professional Practice and leadership | Head of School | Eva Cheng |
Deputy Head of School (T&L) & RAO | Hiyam Al-Kilidar |
Faculty management
The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology comprises four portfolios: teaching and learning, research excellence, research strategy and management, and external engagement. Each portfolio is led by an Associate Dean.
Dean | Prof Peta Wyeth |
Associate Dean, Teaching and Learning | Dr. Rene Leveaux (acting) |
Associate Dean, Research Excellence | Prof Jie Lu |
Associate Dean, Research | Prof Kaska Musial-Gabrys |
Associate Dean, International | Prof Eryk Dutkiewicz |
Director, Education | Chris Wong |
Director Innovation in Engineering & IT Education | Prof Keith Willey |
Director, Students | Rene Leveaux |
Director, Teaching and Learning Engagement | Dr Sam Ferguson |
Director, Women in Engineering and Information Technology | Negin Shariati Moghadam |
Director, Research Programs | TBC |
Director, Pathways | Dr Priyadarsi Nanda |
Director, Transnational Education | A/Prof Diep Nguyen |
Director of Indigenous Leadership & Engagement | Dr Kristopher Wilson |
Director, UTS Tech Lab | Prof Robert Fitch |
Faculty General Manager | Jo-Anne Tee |
Research contacts
A complete list of research contacts, both academic and administrative, at the faculty and school levels can be found on the Faculty research site.
Academic Liaison Officers
Academic Liaison Officers (ALO) are academic staff in each faculty who assist students experiencing difficulties in their studies due to:
- disability and/or ongoing health condition
- carer responsibilities (e.g. being a primary carer for small children or a family member with a disability)
- pregnancy
ALOs are responsible for approving adjustments to assessment arrangements for students in these categories.
If you need adjustments due to disability and/or ongoing health condition, please discuss your situation with an Accessibility Consultant in the Accessibility Service before consulting the relevant ALO.
Administrative contacts
General administrative enquiries should be directed to the Student Centre. The following contacts are for specific areas within the faculty:
Area | |
FEIT Internships | |
FEIT Scholarships | |
Capstone Project (Undergraduate Engineering) | |
Engagement Team | |
Graduate Projects (Postgraduate Engineering) | |
Faculty staff directory
Physical location
The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology is located in Building 11 (CB11), Building 2 (CB02) and Tech Lab, Botany (BP01).
Building 11 street address
81 Broadway
Mailing address
UTS Engineering and IT
PO Box 123
Broadway NSW 2007