We recognise that your interests and aspirations may change during your studies. To accommodate this, there is a provision to transfer between courses and majors, subject to certain conditions being met.
Course transfer and Change of major
Course transfer
The table below sets out the allowable course transfers for students in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology with the eligibility criteria and application method for domestic and international students.
TRANSFER TYPE | Domestic student | International student |
To Engineering degrees: (C09066/7) |
To combined degree with: Business, Law, Medical Science or Science |
To combined degree with International Studies (BA in Intl Studies) |
To combined degree with Creative Intelligence and Innovation (BCIInn) |
Drop non-engineering component of combined degree |
| |
Drop non-IT component of combined degree |
Add DipProfEngPrac |
Drop DipProfEngPrac |
Add DipITProfPrac |
Drop DipITProfPrac |
Exit with lower-level award (downgrade), eg master's to graduate diploma |
Change of undergraduate engineering major
Should your interests change during the course of your engineering studies, it is possible to change your chosen major, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria.
Eligibility criteria
- You must have attempted at least 24 credit points in your current course (excluding any recognition of prior learning you may have received). The 24cp can comprise core subjects, major-specific subjects and/or electives.
- A minimum grade point average (GPA) of 4 out of 7 (weighted average mark of 50) is required. If your GPA is less than 4, you should include a statement outlining your reasons for changing and why you believe you will be more successful in the new major.
The following scenarios are exempt from the above criteria and can be requested at any stage throughout the year:
- transfer to the Flexible (no specified) major
- transfer from the Mechanical and Mechatronic major to Mechanical major or Mechatronic major
- transfer between Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering and Electrical & Electronic Engineering majors
- transfer of major within a combined degree
It is only possible to transfer to majors available to your course (that have not been discontinued) as indicated in the Handbook. For example, if you commenced your course prior to 2015, you cannot transfer to majors introduced from 2015.
Please note that changing major may prevent you from completing your course in the minimum duration.
How to apply
Submit your application by eRequest during the application period that applies to internal course transfer - continuing.
Applicants with pending results from main calendar Autumn/Spring session can submit their application outside this period, but must submit within 10 working days after the release of results.