Peer Network
Peer Networkers play a crucial role in helping new students gain a sense of belonging at UTS. They also get to practice their communication and leadership skills during Orientation, as well as make new friends along the way!
Hayley Sherwood - Peer Network Coordinator

As a Peer Networker we would help any students around GTS we provide on-campus assistance during Orientation. As well we would go around UTS and just answer any questions that any students would have about whether it's enrollments anything UTS related we can help you transition into University student life.
When I first started at UTS I saw the orange shirts going around campus being social with the new students and I thought that's something I'd like to do.
I joined you know like a to meet new people whether that be from across faculties or from around the globe which is really exciting.
I literally just did it for fun.
To meet new people to make some more connections and friends.
I joined to socialize with more people to connect to network and also to make an impact on campus and provide back to the community.
So I'd say the best part of being a Peer Networker is knowing that I've made a small difference and being able to help students out whether that be a big or small type of assistance and we want to make sure that when they transition into University that they feel are included and just welcomed and happy and hopefully they can also in the future potentially be a peer networker.
Over these few days like you can really form really good friendships.
There's a range of benefits you have like lifelong friends that you meet and you get to do many fun activities and events it'll be really fun because you'll make more friends in your course and also while you're volunteering.
And make new friends from different faculties.
And just like all these funny and memorable moments that will be with us forever.
Having those connections seeing those familiar faces always makes campus a little bit brighter.
About Us
The Peer Network is a team of current UTS students who assist commencing students with the initial transition to university at Orientation. We’re an energetic, outgoing and friendly group dedicated to make university life for new students as easy as possible.
At Orientation, we help new students by leading campus tours, staffing the Orientation helpdesk, serving free coffee at the coffee cart, mingling at official welcomes, answering questions, and more.
Peer Networkers can also volunteer throughout the session as Local Legends at Network Café, a weekly coffee drop-in for new international, study abroad and exchange students.
Being a Peer Networker comes with a range of benefits, including training, special events, certificates and recommendations, networking advantages and, of course, the famed orange t-shirt.
We are all current students, so don’t hesitate to approach us with any questions you may have about the university – just look out for our instantly-recognisable bright orange t-shirts at Autumn or Spring Orientation.