UTS Business School Short Courses
UTS Business School offers individuals the opportunity to continue their learning by following short courses and programs on specific topics. Our array of short courses and programs are engaging learning experiences, designed with both academic and industry practitioner subject matter experts, with the aim of allowing you to begin immediately applying your learnings directly to your immediate workplace context and professional endeavours
Lean Six Sigma
Lean Six Sigma is recognised as the world’s best-practice methodology for business improvement. By adopting a disciplined, evidence-based approach, Lean Six Sigma allows practitioners to isolate problem issues within given business processes in order to systematically develop and implement solutions driving revenue, quality and customer satisfaction, reducing waste and costs, all the while, creating new opportunities for individuals and businesses alike.
Impact Evaluation Methods
Government departments, private firms and NGOs constantly make decisions which affect people’s lives in many ways. Governments and NGOs design and deliver various programs across many realms including education, health and justice. Financial organisations assess eligibility for loans and help customers to navigate financial decisions. A fundamental task for all such organisations is to determine what impact their programs and policies have on the people they serve. This task is known as ‘Program Impact Evaluation’.