Physiotherapy student profiles
- Bachelor of MidwiferyI hope that I can have a significant impact on the many women who require pregnancy education.
- You need more than academic knowledge to succeed in your career.
- I knew a degree in mathematics would offer me a great career path.
- Bachelor of Advanced ScienceStudying pre-medicine meant I could make a decision about whether medical school was for me.
- The best thing about university life is that you are able to maintain a well-balanced lifestyle.
- Master of Philosophy in ScienceThe Master of Science appealed to me because of its flexibility.
- I am fascinated by the drug discovery process and how new drugs are developed to treat diseases.
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise Science Bachelor of International StudiesThese experiences allowed me to trial different areas of the industry to see what I enjoy most.
- Bachelor of NursingI have become more open-minded and empathetic to others’ experiences.
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise ManagementI was drawn to the idea of working with elite athletes and gaining a taste of the sporting industry.