Physiotherapy student profiles
- Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education and ManagementThrough my studies, I feel more confident that I can provide the best level of care to patients.
- Bachelor of NursingAs a student nurse, I am constantly exposed to new, unique paths.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyI’ve grown even more passionate about midwifery – it is even better than I thought it would be.
- Graduate Certificate in Diabetes Education and ManagementI want to educate and assist people to optimise their health through healthy lifestyle choices.
- Bachelor of Public HealthIt is very enlightening to gain an understanding of the many facets of health care.
- Graduate Diploma in MidwiferyAs a midwife, you work with women to help them discover how strong they are
- Bachelor of MidwiferyStudying midwifery has exposed me to learning from women of diverse cultures and backgrounds.
- Bachelor of NursingAccompanying patients and their families through their highs and lows is a huge privilege.
- Bachelor of NursingExplore all the possibilities that UTS has to offer and challenge yourself.
- Bachelor of NursingIt’s this ability to give comfort alongside care that draws me to nursing.