Physiotherapy student profiles
- Bachelor of MidwiferyThe lecturers and tutors are so dedicated to fostering your learning so you can be the best midwife
- Bachelor of NursingPutting what I had learned into practice made me realise just how much I had learned during term.
- Bachelor of NursingThey provided me with opportunities to work across a broad range of services – not just in hospitals
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise ScienceThere are so many opportunities at UTS. Try to be involved with as many as you can...
- Bachelor of MidwiferyExperiencing the wonder of pregnancy and birth is such a privilege to be a part of
- Bachelor of NursingMy tutors have been the most approachable teachers I’ve ever had
- Bachelor of Medical ScienceReally give it a shot. Because you don’t know how colourful or how great uni life at UTS can be.
- Master of ScienceEveryone here are happy to help, whatever the question you have in mind, they will answer it.
- Bachelor of ScienceThe most beneficial skill that I learnt was the knowledge of how to approach problems.
- Bachelor of Marine Biology and Climate ChangeUTS gave me the confidence necessary to apply the skills I learnt in the work environment.