Physiotherapy student profiles
- Bachelor of NursingStudying at UTS has been life-changing, I've found a career path in a field that I find fascinating.
- Bachelor of MidwiferyThe most rewarding aspect of the course so far has been the amazing academics we have access to
- Bachelor of MidwiferyMaternity is a dynamic field and I feel at the forefront of learning and information at UTS.
- Bachelor of Sport and Exercise ManagementSo many things pulled me toward studying at UTS. One of the major attractions was the Elite Athlete...
- Master of Health Services (Research)I wanted to be part of the Faculty of Health to bring rigour and the expertise of a health...
- The recent growth of the data analytics industry, on a global scale, makes it an especially exciting...
- Master of Pharmacy...being in a small cohort means that you have more one on one time with academics.
- Master of Pharmacy (International)This course has changed my perception of healthcare in Australia, and how pharmacists can play a...
- Master of PharmacyThe course provides an astounding sense of satisfaction as you watch yourself grow into a fully...