Mandatory checks
Teacher Education
Before you undertake a school-based professional experience placement, you must complete the following checks and training modules.
You’ll be unable to undertake your professional experience placement if you have not completed all of the required mandatory checks.
Many of these checks will require renewal during the course of your degree. The Professional Experience Office will do its best to assist with this process, but it is important you stay on top of your own checks.
Please complete and upload all related documents to your MyPlacement profile via the Checks tab, and ensure that you take copies of all your check documentation with you on each placement.
Working With Children Checks (WWCC)
Working With Children Check Number and Expiry Date
Working With Children Check (external) is compulsory for all teachers and education students attending professional experience in schools.
Apply for a WWCC on the Service NSW website (external), you will need to attend a Service NSW Centre to present your original identity documents.
Types of Working With Children Checks
Name | Cost | Suitable for |
Volunteers and Students | Free | Placements that are directly supervised by a supervising teacher i.e. PL and PETP1 & PETP2. |
Paid Worker | $80 | Placements where the teacher education student is permitted to teach without direct supervision from a supervising teacher i.e., Waiver B placements. The Paid Worker WWCC is required for ALL paid child-related employment. |
Refer to the Working With Children Check Guide (pdf 138KB) for more information.
NSW DoE WWCC Verification
In addition to completing a Working With Children Check (WWCC) with the Office of the Children's Guardian, you must also have your WWCC Number verified by the NSW Department of Education using the Pre-service Teacher Registration Form.
Literacy and Numeracy Testing in Teacher Education (LANTITE)
Literacy and Numeracy Testing for Initial Teacher Education (LANTITE) is compulsory and must be completed during your degree in order to graduate. You must attempt LANTITE in your first year of teacher education studies.
It's better to attempt LANTITE early, so if further attempts are required, you do not have to delay enrolment or placement. LANTITE can be sat at any time during your teacher education studies. Please see table below for when you must pass LANTITE.
PRIMARY UNDERGRADUATE | Required standard must be achieved prior to enrolling in 013452 PE: Teaching EAL/D and Literacy in Primary Schools |
PRIMARY POSTGRADUATE | Required standard must be achieved prior to enrolling in 013456 PE: Teaching EAL/D and Literacy in Primary Schools |
SECONDARY UNDERGRADUATE | Required standard must be achieved prior to enrolling in 013241 PETP1 |
SECONDARY POSTGRADUATE | Required standard must be achieved prior to enrolling in 013252 PETP2 |
Important LANTITE information
- ACER conducts four (4) LANTITE test windows per year
- A fee is payable each time you register and sit the test
- Literacy and Numeracy Tests can be undertaken separately
- Practice materials are available on the ACER web site
Please visit the ACER web page for test information, test window dates, practice material and registration. Refer to the LANTITE Guide (pdf 137KB) and the Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education - Questions and Answers for test candidates (external) for further information.
Professional Readiness, Cultural Awareness & Safety Compliance
ASCIA Anaphylaxis e-Training
ASCIA Anaphylaxis e-training (external) is compulsory and must be completed before you start your professional experience placement.
Complete the ASCIA Anaphylaxis e-training (external) course and upload the unsigned Certificate of Completion and Expiry date (2 years from completion date). For more information see the ASCIA Anaphylaxis e-Training Guide (pdf 173KB).
Important Anaphylaxis information
- Validation of the Certificate will occur once you demonstrate the correct use of a trainer EpiPen at your placement school.
- Anaphylaxis training needs to be completed every two (2) years and may need to be renewed during your course.
- You must complete the training through ASCIA. First Aid Training and NSW Department of Education Anaphylaxis training certificates will not be accepted.
Training to be completed using the NSW Department of Education's MyPL Portal
Training for the following mandatory checks must be completed on the NSW Department of Education's MyPL portal. You only need to complete the training once.
Register for external access to MyPL (external) first. After you successfully log in, complete the training modules and upload the certificates in MyPlacement under the Checks tab.
Child Protection Awareness Induction Training (CPAT)
Aboriginal Cultural Education
Anti-Racism Policy
NSW Code of Ethics and Conduct
UTS Mandatory Compliance Checks
UTS Inherent Requirements
It is compulsory for you to read the Education Student Inherent Requirements Statement (pdf 383KB) prior to starting your placement. Once you've read the Education Student Inherent Requirements Statement you will need to go to the Checks tab in MyPlacement and declare that you understand and acknowledge the following points by selecting YES in the value box of the check.
- It is a requirement of my teacher education degree to successfully complete all required professional experience placements. These professional experiences will occur over sustained, typical teaching time frames and may range from between one (1) to six (6) weeks;
- If I am unable to complete all professional experience placements, whether owing to a condition or disability, including physical, sensory and learning disabilities, temporary or ongoing psychiatric conditions, physical conditions and illnesses, physical or mental disability, unavailability or another reason, I will not be eligible to obtain my degree, even if I have completed all other elements of the degree;
- I must immediately notify UTS Special Needs Service if I develop a condition or disability, including physical, sensory and learning disabilities, temporary or ongoing psychiatric conditions, physical conditions and illnesses, physical or mental disability at any time during my teacher education degree;
- I am able to obtain counselling and support with any disability or other issues that may affect my ability to do placements, and my studies generally, from the UTS Counselling Service and the UTS Special Needs Service; and
- UTS has an obligation not to discriminate against students on the basis of their disability, and to make reasonable accommodations to ensure that a student with a disability is able to do a teacher education placement on the same basis as a student without a disability, unless providing the teacher education placement would impose unjustifiable hardship on UTS or be in breach of legislation.
This check is to be completed only once.
Teacher Education Professional Experience Conditions of Participation
Outlines essential conditions teacher education students must adhere to while participating in teacher education professional experience at UTS. This check must be completed every calendar year.
COVID-19 Vaccination
From 1 August 2022, it is no longer a requirement to be fully vaccinated to attend your placement, unless you are completing your placement in a School for Specific Purpose (SSP). If you are attending an SSP for placement you must be double vaccinated with an approved COVID-19 vaccine or hold a valid medical contraindication. Your digital vaccination certificate should be uploaded for this check.
Department of Education specific requirements
If attending a Department of Education School for placement, you are required to refer to the Department’s Induction for pre-service teachers webpage and follow the steps listed PRIOR to your first day of placement. We recommend commencing this process as soon as you enrol in the professional experience subject, as most placements will be conducted in a Department of Education school and being prepared is crucial.
The below steps are a summary on what is on the Department of Education’s webpage linked above. Please go to the webpage and follow the instructions to prepare for your placement.
- Mandatory pre-requisite for pre-service teachers
- Pre-service teacher acknowledgement
- Onboarding of the pre-service teachers will be completed by the school either at a face-to-face meeting prior to the placement at the school or on day 1 of placement. This is school dependant and you will need to check with the school as to what process they would like you to follow. You will need to provide photo ID at this meeting.
Additional information can be found under the Checks tab on MyPlacement. Please familiarise yourself with this information to ensure the appropriate checks are completed prior to placement.
For PEx form information, usage and source, please view Form Usage Guide (pdf 261KB)