Ready to get started with SOUL? Find information below on how to sign up to the program, find volunteering opportunities and log your hours.

Getting started with SOUL
Sign up for SOUL
SOUL is broken down into two parts – the SOUL Badge and SOUL Award.
Part one is the SOUL badge – which involves 35 hours of social impact action and completing one online cultural and social agility module. Completing the SOUL Badge is a prerequisite to starting the SOUL Award. There is no obligation for you to undertake the SOUL Award, but if you wish to do so, you must first complete the SOUL Badge.
Sign up for the UTS SOUL Award
You’ll receive a confirmation email once you’ve registered, but if there are any issues, contact us at
Finding social impact action opportunities
Taking action on issues you care about or volunteering in the community sector provides much needed assistance and support to not-for-profit organisations that are often heavily under-resourced. Volunteering is just one of the seven areas we recognise as part of social impact action.
Volunteering can also be a great way to gain experience, develop new skills, explore your interests, and meet like-minded people.
You can find available volunteer roles at:
Volunteering by discipline
Volunteering to use your specialised skills can be a great way to create impact and round out your degree experience. Here you can find some organisations that align with your faculty area of specialisation.
Arts and Social Sciences
Code Club Australia
Code Club Australia is a not-for-profit organisation providing free coding lessons for primary school aged children in public libraries and schools across the country. Code Club Australia provides lesson scaffolds and an online training module for their volunteers. If you’re interested in running a Code Club with another SOULie, get in touch with us at
Redfern Legal Centre Communications Placement
Redfern Legal Centre is a community legal centre which provides free legal advice to residents of the local area on matters relating to tenancy, employment, police complaints and other areas of law. They run a Communications Placement program where volunteers assist the community education staff with video editing and other tasks for 4 hours per week for a minimum period of six months.
Primary Ethics
Primary Ethics provides secular ethics education in NSW primary schools as an alternative to scripture or supervised care. They accept volunteers in several roles including as ethics teachers. The role requires a police check and working with children check, 14 hours of initial training and an ongoing commitment of 2 hours per week for 35 weeks of the school year.
Community radio
Community radio stations are independent, not-for-profit broadcasters who provide a platform for voices not represented elsewhere including LGBTQIA+ communities, Indigenous Australians, ethnic communities and young people. There are several community radio stations across Sydney that accept volunteers in a variety of roles.
Women’s Justice Network
The Women’s Justice Network supports women and female youth who have been affected by the criminal justice system. One of their key volunteer programs is the Mentoring Program where female mentors support Aboriginal women in the criminal justice system. Volunteers are provided with 2-days of training and on-going training and supervision every 6 weeks.
Anti-Slavery Australia
Anti-Slavery Australia is a human rights organisation based in the UTS Faculty of Law which aims to protect and uphold the rights of trafficked and enslaved people through research, policy development, law reform and advocacy. They accept volunteers with a number of skills including law students, fundraising, graphic design, web design and community engagement.
Cancer Council NSW Pro Bono Program
The Cancer Council NSW Pro Bono Program provides free legal, financial planning, workplace and small business assistance for people affected by cancer. They accept volunteer law students who are in their penultimate year or above of their studies and can commit to 1-2 days per week volunteering.
Community Legal Centres
Community legal centres are non-government organisations providing free legal advice to communities in need. There are over 40 community legal centres across NSW with many of them relying on volunteers to deliver their services. Some include:
- Arts Law Centre of Australia
Arts Law Centre of Australia is an independent national community legal centre for the arts that provides free or low cost specialised legal advice, education and resources to Australian artists and arts organisations across all art forms on a range of arts related legal and business matters. They accept student volunteers who are in at least their third year of study and who have completed intellectual property or media law subjects.
- Australian Centre for Disability Law
The Australian Centre for Disability Law is a specialist disability focuses legal service providing legal advice, casework, referrals, community legal education and law reform relating to persons with disability. ACDL relies on volunteers to staff their Advice Hotlines and support legal staff in undertaking casework. Volunteers are also given opportunities to contribute to policy work. ACDL accepts non-legal volunteering on the basis of expressions of interest.
- Australian Pro Bono Centre
The Australian Pro Bono Centre does not provide legal advice, assistance or referrals but aims to grow the capacity of the Australian legal profession to provide pro bono services that are focused on increasing access to justice for marginalised and disadvantaged persons. While the Australian Pro Bono Centre is not a volunteering involving organisation itself, it hosts a database of social justice opportunities for law students.
- Environmental Defenders Office NSW (EDO)
The Environmental Defenders Office NSW is a community legal centre specialising in public interest environmental law including legal advice and litigation, policy and law reform and legal education. They accept legal, science and administrative volunteers on a rolling basis. Legal volunteers must have or be in the process of completing a law degree and must have studied planning and/or environmental law.
- HIV/AIDS Legal Centre
The HIV/AIDS Legal Centre provides free legal assistance to people in NSW with HIV or Hepatitis-related legal matters. They provide volunteer placements for law students, particularly for PLT placements. Volunteers are required to commit to a minimum of 3 days per week.
- Immigration Advice and Rights Centre
The Immigration Advice and Rights Centre is a specialist community legal centre providing free legal advice on all immigration related matters. They accept volunteers who are law students in at least their third year of study who are able to commit to one day per week for a minimum period of 6 months. The role involves administrative and paralegal assistance as well as research and project work.
- Intellectual Disability Rights Service
The Intellectual Disability Rights Service is a specialist community legal centre aiming to work alongside people with disability to promote and protect their rights. IDRS takes a number of volunteer including PLT and law students in their final two years of study, Justice Advocacy Service (JAS) volunteers who support victims, witnesses, suspects and defendants at police stations, court and legal appointments and care and protection volunteers who assist parents with intellectual disability in the children’s court. For non-legal volunteer roles, no skills, experience or qualifications are required and induction, training and support is provided.
- International Social Service Australia
International Social Service Australia provides social work and legal services to families and children separated by international borders. They accept volunteers with legal, social work and administrative backgrounds.
- Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC)
The Public Interest Advocacy Centre (PIAC) conducts test cases and strategic litigation in the public interest and provides legal assistance, policy advice and training to create positive change for persons who are disadvantaged or marginalised. PIAC mainly takes volunteers for Practical Legal Training (PLT) placements for law students seeking admission as a solicitor.
- Refugee Advice and Casework Service (RACS)
The Refugee Advice and Casework Service (RACS) is a specialist legal centre providing free legal advice and assistance to refugees and asylum seekers in NSW. RACS accepts legal student volunteers who are in their second year or above a law degree and who can commit to one day per week for a minimum period of three months. RACS also accepts non-legal volunteers on an ad hoc basis in roles relating to events, IT, marketing and communication and language interpreting.
- Seniors Rights Service
The Seniors Rights Service protects and advocates for the rights of older people, particularly those of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. They accept volunteers to help out with legal advice, research, media and communications, events, intake and more.
- Tenants’ Union of NSW
The Tenants’ Union of NSW specialises in NSW residential tenancy law and works to promote the rights and interests of Aboriginal tenants, borders, lodgers and other marginal tenants, private rental tenants and public and community housing tenants. Their main volunteering program is the Monday Advice Line which runs in two shifts from 10am – 1pm and 2pm – 5pm supervised by the Tenants Union legal team. They also occasionally accent volunteers to assist with administrative roles.
- Welfare Rights Centre
The Welfare Rights Centre is a community legal centre specialising in social security law and its administration by Centrelink. The recruit for volunteers on a cyclic intake basis.
- Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women’s Legal Centre
The Wirringa Baiya Aboriginal Women’s Legal Centre providers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women, children and youth in NSW with gender specific and culturally sensitive legal representation, advice and referral. Wirringa Baiya accepts both legal and non-legal volunteers and female students completing their Practical Legal Training (PLT).
- Women’s Legal Service NSW
The Women’s Legal Service NSW provides a voice for women in NSW and promotes access to justice, particularly for women who are disadvantaged by their social and economic circumstances. WLS NSW accepts volunteers who are undertaking their Practical Legal Training or have completed at least two years of a law degree and can commit to two days volunteering per week for a minimum period of 6 months.
- Central Coast Community Legal Centre
The Central Coast Community Legal Centre is located in Wyong. They accept volunteer law students as well as volunteers to assist with data entry, communications, administration, graphic design and general administration.
- Elizabeth Evatt Community Legal Centre
The Elizabeth Evatt Community Legal Centre is located in Katoomba and provides legal advice to residents in the Blue Mountains, Oberon, Lithgow, Bathurst and Orange regions. They accept Practical Legal Training placements and Advice Line Volunteers who can commit to 1 day per week for a preferred period of 12 months.
- Illawarra Legal Centre
The Illawarra Legal Centre is located in Warrawong. They accept volunteers in a number of roles and encourage students to apply.
- Inner City Legal Centre
The Inner City Legal Centre is located in Kings Cross. They accept volunteers on a weekly or fortnightly roster to help with administration, reception and research activities. They offer compulsory full day volunteer training three times per year.
- Macarthur Legal Centre
The Macarthur Legal Centre is located in Campbelltown. They accept volunteers, particularly for their Thursday afternoon advice session from 2.30pm to 5pm. They also accept front desk volunteers and intake volunteers.
- Marrickville Legal Centre
Marrickville Legal Centre is located in Marrickville. They accept volunteers as Volunteer Client Support Officers at their front desk.
- Redfern Legal Centre
Redfern Legal Centre is located in Redfern and provides a number of specialist services including relating to police complaints, employment and international students. They accept volunteer legal assistants to provide legal information and referral, client intake and interviewing and administrative assistance. Volunteers are required to work one half-day shift per week for a minimum of 12 months.
- South West Sydney Legal Centre
South West Sydney Legal Centre is located in Liverpool. They accept volunteers on a rolling basis.
- Western Sydney Community Legal Centre
Western Sydney Community Legal Centre has three main offices in Parramatta, Rooty Hill and Windsor. They accept both law student volunteers and tenancy volunteers.
Not-for-profit Governance
Use your business skills for good by volunteering on the board or committee of a not-for-profit organisation
Business skills can apply across many organisations from management and strategy to accounting and finance, search skilled volunteering on websites such as by your specialised skill set.
Garvan Institute
The Garvan Institute is a medical research facility working with genomes to better diagnose, treat and prevent disease. They accept volunteers in administrative roles including assisting with public seminars, data entry, administration and assisting with tours of the facilities.
Sydney Science Festival
Sydney Science Festival is an annual festival showcasing Sydney’s diverse and multidisciplinary science and innovation community. The festival requires a number of volunteers to deliver the 10 day program in August. Volunteer recruitment for the festival usually begins in mid-late June.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies is a charity dedicated to increasing science literacy in school aged children by providing STEM resources. They require volunteers to assist with a range of short term tasks including project testing, graphic design and blog writing.
Museum of Applied Arts & Sciences
The Museum of Applies Arts & Sciences recruits Visitor Experience Volunteers for the Powerhouse Museum in Ultimo, Sydney Observatory at the Rocks and the Discovery Centre in Castle Hill. The role involves sharing stories with visitors about objects, co-delivering tours and facilitating hands on activities.
Department of Planning, Industry and the Environment
The Department of Planning, Industry and the Environment recruits' volunteers at several sites they manage including the Botanic Gardens and Domains Trust, Centennial Parklands and NSW National Parks. They also run volunteer programs addressing bushfire recovery, biodiversity and bush regeneration.
Engineering & IT
Engineers without Borders
Engineers without Borders is a community organisation aiming to create social value through engineering. You can volunteer as a student by joining the UTS chapter, by volunteering on a project with the national office or by joining the schools outreach program.
Women in Engineering & IT
Founded in 1981, Women in Engineering & IT is a program run by the UTS Faculty of Engineering and IT aiming to address gender equity in Engineering and IT. They run a volunteer program which includes a school's outreach program, the Lucy Mentoring program, research and event support.
HackAUS run 2–3-day hackathons where diverse groups of people gather to solve problems using technology as an enabler. You’ll be able to count participating in a hackathon towards SOUL if you’re working on solving a social issue.
Code Club Australia
Code Club Australia is a not-for-profit organisation providing free coding lessons for primary school aged children in public libraries and schools across the country. Code Club Australia provides lesson scaffolds and an online training module for their volunteers. If you’re interested in running a Code Club with another SOULie, get in touch with us at
Design, Architecture and Building
Graphic Design Volunteering
Vollie is an online volunteering platform which hosts graphic design volunteers for charities and not for profit organisations in Australia. Use your design skills for social good by producing fliers, graphics, animations, websites and more for a cause.
Sydney Living Museums
Sydney Living Museums cares for 12 historic houses, gardens and museums in NSW. They require volunteers for their annual Sydney Open event which gives the public access to 80 iconic Sydney buildings.
Architecture Association of Australia
The Architecture Association of Australia is a not-for-profit organisation enabling the public to understand, enjoy and promote Australian architecture. They recruit volunteers to run tours of important sites for Australian architecture. The role requires attendance at a training course and at least 30 hours of volunteering.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is an international not-for-profit organisation aiming to provide everyone with a safe and decent place to live. They run volunteer programs in Australia including the Local Village four-day rebuilding trip, bushfire recovery programs and host office volunteers.
NSW Health
NSW Health provides several health services across NSW including in public hospitals. They accept volunteers in both clinical and administrative areas of health facilities.
Batyr is a youth-run mental health charity focusing on engaging young people in positive conversations about mental health and empowering people to reach out for support when needed. They run a number of programs on university campuses and in schools, fundraising events and campaigns.
St John Ambulance
St John Ambulance is Australia’s leading provider of first aid services, training and equipment. Their volunteers deliver event health and community services, fundraise, attend events and deliver youth programs.
DanceWize is a program run by the National Users and Aids Association focused around harm reduction at NSW music festivals including providing evidence-based information about safer partying and delivering a range of peer-delivered prevention and harm reduction services. Volunteers are required to undertake a number of training modules prior to volunteering including a 5-hour induction training session, a full day First Aid training course and an additional 11 hours of online training modules. Volunteers are required to commit to at least one 6-8-hour shift at a one-day festival.
ACON is a not for profit providing community health, inclusion and HIV responses for people of diverse sexualities and genders. They accept volunteers with diverse skill sets.
Lifeline is a national charity providing 24/7 crisis support and suicide prevention services. They accept volunteers in a number of roles including as telephone crisis supporters, retail and fundraising.
Beyond Blue
Beyond Blue is an independent not for profit providing information and support to help Australians achieve their best possible mental health. They accept volunteers in roles including fundraising, providing information and event support.
Stay Kind
Stay Kind is a not for profit organisation aiming to keep youth safe through building a kinder Australia. One of their key programs is the Take Kare Safe Spaces which operate every Friday and Saturday night at key points in the Sydney CBD providing first aid and support to young people.
The Ankali Project
The Ankali Project is a key program run by the Albion Centre, providing emotional and social support to people living with HIV. Volunteers spend time each week or fortnight with an Ankali client for a minimum commitment of six-months. Volunteers must attend a three-day training program and attend a weekly one-hour peer support group meeting with fellow volunteers.
Micro-volunteering – supporting citizen science
Micro-volunteering involves a large number of volunteers completing small tasks that make up a larger project. They can usually be done online, at your own convenience. Explore these super flexible volunteering options!
- The Australian Museum – The Australian Museum website houses a number of citizen science programs relating to biodiversity – some of which are included below
- DigiVol – DigiVol is a crowdsourcing website that uses volunteers to transcribe data from natural history collections.
- FrogID – FrogID is a national citizen science project used to track the populations of Australian frogs. The project uses smartphone technology to record frog calls around Australia to track Cane Toads and habitats where frogs are thriving and where they aren’t. The data is also used to learn more about how frog species are responding to the changing environment.
- Australasian Fishes project – The Australasian Fishes project allows users to upload, identify and comment on observations of Australian and New Zealand fishes through an online image library that is used to identify, map and investigate changes in the fish populations.
- The WingTags Project – The WingTags project is a collaboration between the Royal Botanic Garden, the University of Sydney and the Australian Museum to understand the social behaviour, movement and colonies of Cockatoos, Ibis and Brush Turkeys in Sydney. Participants who see a Cockatoo, Ibis or Brush Turkey with a wingtag are asked to report the tag number and colour using an App as well as upload a photo where possible.
- Streamwatch – Streamwatch is a citizen science project that aims to monitor the quality and health of local waterways. In 2019 Streamwatch transitioned from an Australian Museum hosted program to a program with the Greater Sydney Landcare Network.
- Hollows as Homes – Hollows as Homes is a citizen science project aiming to map the hollow resources available for native wildlife across Sydney. Data generated from the mapping of hollows will help inform Council and town planning for retaining habitat for native wildlife. Thirty local councils are participating in the project across the greater Sydney region.
- Australian Citizen Science Association – An online database of Australian citizen science projects which can be filtered by area of science, difficulty, geographic location and other metrics.
- Reef Blitz – An annual event held in the month of October that aims to amplify the impact of citizen science for Queensland reefs. The program includes face-to-face events in the state of Queensland as well as online citizen science projects. This event is run by Conservation Volunteers Australia.
- SciStarter – SciStarter is an online database of digital citizen science projects that can be filtered by location, timing or conditions of the project, area of science and age group.
- NSW Government – The NSW Government runs a number of citizen science projects that are often geographically based. Projects include monitoring populations of threatened species, recording quality of freshwater and recording information about flora and fauna.
- NSW BioNet – NSW BioNet is a repository of biodiversity information managed by the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage. Users can add data to collections including species sightings, systematic surveys, threatened biodiversity and species names.
- Zooniverse – Zooniverse is a digital platform for “people powered research”. No specialised background, training or expertise is required to participate in the projects and volunteers can contribute to projects in the field of arts, biology, climate, history, language, literature, medicine, physics and social science.
- National Geographic – National Geographic hosts a database of externally run citizen science projects relating to Biology, Ecology and Earth Science.
- iNaturalist – iNaturalist is a collaboration between the California Academy of Sciences and National Geographic that aims to observe global biodiversity.
- The Atlas of Living Australia – The Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) is the Australian node of iNaturalist that is used to record observations and sightings of species.
Volunteering to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Volunteer for a charity or not-for-profit organisation whose work aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Here are some suggestions for the type of work you could do:
SDG 1: No poverty
End poverty in all its forms everywhere.
- Organisations providing material and financial support to those in need
SDG 2: Zero hunger
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
- Food bank organisations providing food to vulnerable populations
- Community gardens and farms
- Not-for-profit sustainable farming and food production organisations
SDG 3: Good health and well-being
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages.
- Community health clinics
- Organisations supporting people experiencing homelessness
SDG 4: Quality education
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
- Organisations or groups that provide tutoring or language support to refugees and recent migrants
- Organisations that support digital inclusion for older people
- Educational support for marginalised children or youth
SDG 5: Gender equality
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.
- Organisations that promote women’s rights and inclusion
- Organisations supporting trans and gender diverse people
SDG 6: Clean water and sanitation
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.
- Local groups of international sanitation organisations
- Environmental groups concerned with water management
SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy
Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.
- Groups campaigning against fossil fuels and for the promotion of renewable energy infrastructure
SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
- Organisations that support refugees or other marginalised groups to find employment
- Organisations that work to prevent modern slavery
SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation.
- Micro-finance organisations to improve access to capital for underserved populations
- Organisations working to improve access to reliable internet for vulnerable populations
- Local councils and community organisations to improve access to public transport
- Social enterprises working to address social issues while providing employment
SDG 10: Reduced inequalities
Reduce inequality within and among countries.
- Local support for international aid and development organisations
SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
- Not-for-profits providing community housing
- Organisations protecting green and public spaces
SDG 12: Responsible production and consumption
Ensure sustainable production and consumption patterns.
- Volunteer with organisations that promote the rights of vulnerable workers
- Volunteer with organisations supporting recycling and sustainable use
SDG 13: Climate action
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
- Climate action campaign groups
- School Strike for Climate grroups at your university or in your local area
SDG 14: Life below water
Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development.
- Organisations that protect marine wildlife
- Rubbish clean ups in your local area
SDG 15: Life on land
Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
- Organisations that support animal rights, animal welfare, or habitat conservation
- Animal shelters
- Local environment regeneration groups or campaign groups
SDG 16: Peace, justice and strong institutions
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels.
- Community legal clinics that support access to justice and legal support for marginalised groups
- Organisations advocating for the rights of wrongfully incarcerated people
- Non-government organisations promoting democracy and government accountability
SDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the global partnership for sustainable development.
- Your local United Nations Association promoting work towards the Sustainable Development Goals
Logging your social impact action hours
Now that you know how to land your perfect social impact action opportunity, let’s talk about how to log your social impact action hours.
You’ll progress through the program, book into workshops, and log your social impact hours via your SOUL workflow on CareerHub.
We recommend you log your hours straight after each social impact action you take, or you can log your hours weekly, or even monthly if it’s a regular action. Every time you log hours you will receive an email with a record of your submission to help you to keep track of your volunteer hours.
The UTS SOUL Program will recognise Social Impact Action hours that:
- Are unpaid and given willingly within Australia;
- Are completed since commencing study at UTS; and
Contribute to a positive change that results in enhanced equity, inclusion and/or social justice.
If you’re not sure if your action will count towards SOUL, get in touch at
Log your social impact action hours for the SOUL Badge here.
Log your social impact action hours for the SOUL Award here.