National Award Recipients
OLT Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning
Dr Gerhard Hambusch (Early Career)
For successful engagement of students through experiential learning that challenges assumptions and beliefs to inspire independent thought, self-learning and ethical decision making in finance
Associate Professor Guang Hong
For inspiring undergraduate students and enhancing their learning by integrating teaching and research for energy and environmental sustainability in mechanical engineering
Dr Paul Kennedy
For a decade-long contribution to data analytics teaching with an emphasis on creating authentic learning experiences for students to benefit their career progression
Dr Catherine Killen
For inspirational and sustained contribution to student learning through novel transdisciplinary curricula and experiential learning approaches: developing innovation capability in engineering students
Dr Andrea Leigh
For inspiring and motivating students in environmental science through learning approaches that highlight relevance to professional scientific practice
Ms Jenna Price
For a sustained commitment to improving student retention and engagement for journalism students from day one to employment
Dr Jonathan Tyler, Dr Laurel Dyson, Jessica Frawley, and James Wakefield
For a sustained cross-faculty team-teaching approach to providing innovative assessment and improved feedback for introductory accounting students in large classes
Dr David Bond, Dr Robert Czernkowski, and Professor Peter Wells
A sustained and reflective team-teaching approach to engage students and make financial reporting interesting, relevant, and even enjoyable.
Dr Tony Brown
For continued innovative curriculum and teaching contribution to critical learning in post-graduate studies in adult education.
Dr Laurel Evelyn Dyson
For a decade of commitment to providing student-centred learning experiences and exemplary support to students from culturally diverse backgrounds in the Information Technology discipline.
Georgina Barratt-See and Mathew Appleyard
For sustained commitment to the UTS Peer Assisted Study Success (UPASS) program which improves academic outcomes for students, and develops leadership skills of student facilitators.
Dr Rob Bower
For developing and fostering experiential learning to enhance student engagement in the field of Sports Science.
Dr Paul Burke
For exemplary delivery and support of learning that addresses student challenges in the context of a large undergraduate class in introductory business statistics.
Associate Professor Aaron Coutts
For developing unique and innovative approaches that enhance independent learning and facilitate the development of practice-oriented skills in the sport and exercise sciences.
Dr Brian Farrell
For sustained promotion of learning engagement for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) business students, using Collaborative Learning and other support strategies.
Associate Professor Hadi Khabbaz
For an innovative and sustained contribution to improving Geotechnical Engineering education in our transforming world - preparing motivated and responsible soil engineers for the future education in our transforming world - preparing motivated and responsible soil engineers for the future
ALTC National Teaching Fellowship
Associate Professor Les Kirkup
Inquiry-oriented learning in science: transforming practice through forging new partnerships and perspectives Read more in UTS News.
2010 ALTC Teaching Fellowship
Dr Keith Willey
Developing learning and professional judgement in large classes through collaborative self and peer assessment
2010 Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning
Dr Theresa Dirndorfer Anderson
For sustained innovation in socio-technical studies curriculum and in flexible delivery technologies, grounded in both scholarship and student learning outcomes
Dr John Buchanan
For sustained contributions to education students' understandings of social issues, particularly intercultural issues, from a variety of perspectives, to assist their students in doing likewise
Michelle Kelly
For sustained leadership and mentorship in the integration of health care simulation learning experiences to enhance practice readiness of nurses and midwives
Sue O'Neill
For sustained commitment to excellence in the delivery of undergraduate teacher education courses resulting in enhanced engagement and learning by students via enthusiasm and relevance
Associate Professor Toni Robertson
For an innovative, significant and sustained contribution to undergraduate and postgraduate learning in the related fields of human computer interaction and interaction design
Dr Keith Willey and Anne Gardner
For sustained scholarly contributions to collaborative learning oriented assessment activities, innovative use of self and peer assessment, efficient feedback mechanisms and development of students' judgement
2009 Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning
Dr Peter Docherty, Dr Ross Forman, Kerry Hunter, and Harry Tse
For an innovative, scholarly collaboration that has embedded analytical writing skills into an intermediate economics subject assessment structure, improving the quality of student writing
Beth Marnane, Madeleine Mann and Rolf Wood
For an innovative, timely, sustainable approach to providing alternative format resources via an individualised web page to students with print disabilities, consequently improving academic performance
Dr Gordon Menzies
For approaches to learning and teaching that inspire and challenge students to understand diverse perspectives and to see a 'human' side to international economics
2008 ALTC Australian Award for University Teaching - Work-based Learning Category
Associate Professor Stephen Wearing
2008 Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning

Back row (L - R): Alex Barthel, Kylie Redfern, Professor Ross Milbourne,
Professor Alison Lee, & Grant Matthews
Front row (L - R): Professor Shirley Alexander,
Associate Professor Anne Ross-Smith, Dr Meredith Jones,
Dr Linda Leung, & Louise McWhinnie
Alex Barthel
For outstanding leadership in the provision of sustainable academic language and learning support that has influenced and enhanced learning and teaching at UTS and beyond
Professor Alison Lee
For the development and sustaining of an innovative research and learning environment for doctoral students in Education and in the broader University
Dr Linda Leung, Dr Meredith Jones, Mr Grant Matthews, and Dr Tim Mansfield
For sustained excellence in postgraduate multimedia education as recognised by students, the institution, and industry
Louise McWhinnie
For educational excellence, through a sustained commitment to cultural and cross-cultural learning in undergraduate Typographic teaching
Anne Ross-Smith and Kylie Redfern
For sustained leadership and innovation in the internationalisation of teaching and learning in undergraduate business education in a Sino-Australian educational joint venture
2007 Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning
Dr Laurence Brady
Ms Marie Flood, Dr Mary Coupland, Mrs Narelle Woodland, Dr Simon Darcy & Ms Frances Rogan
Dr Elaine Jeffreys, Dr Paul Allatson, Dr Kate Barclay, Dr Barbara Leigh & Dr Murray Pratt
Ms Sonya Pearce
Ms Fran Rogan & Ms Caroline San Miguel
Associate Professor Stephen Teo
Professor Louise Young, Ms Lynne Freeman & Ms Daniela Spanjaard
2006 Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning
Dr Christopher Bajada
For the development of innovative and imaginative resources and approaches to engaging first year students within a large class setting.

Dr Sara Denize, Mr Paul Burke, Mr Luke Greenacre, Mr Jonathan Pratt
For exemplary team teaching that improved students' learning, engagement, and environment in a large enrolment, first-year compulsory Business statistics subject.
Mr Steve Murray, Dr Dikai Liu, Mr Vladimir Lasky, Dr Kit Ka Fung, Mr Lothar Weber
For significant enhancement of practical learning experiences in engineering education through innovative development of remotely accessible laboratories

Dr Kevin Suffern
For inspiring a generation of students to achieve excellence and success in the visual effects industry, world wide.

Australian Awards for University Teaching
UTS finalists in: 2005 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997
The following individuals and teams from UTS have been finalists and winners in the AUTC Australian Awards for University Teaching.
Provision of Education Services to the Community - UTS Shopfront.

Joint Winner
Social Sciences - Professor Laurie Brady (Faculty of Education).

- Associate Professor Kenneth Brown (Department of Environmental Sciences)
- Senior Lecturer Dr Peter Petocz (Department of Mathematical Sciences)
Joint Winner:
Neville Bonner Award for Indigenous Teacher of the Year - Professor Larissa Behrendt, Jumbunna Indigenous House of Learning

Institutional Award: Innovative and practical approach to the provision of educational services to the local and/or regional community
- Law and Legal Studies Associate Professor Michael Adams, University of Technology, Sydney
- Institutional Award: Innovative and practical approach to provision of services that enhance the quality of teaching and learning University of Technology, Sydney – Effective use of Information and Communication Technologies

Institutional Awards
Innovative and practical approaches to the provision of student support services that assist the learning of Australian students University of Technology, Sydney University of Technology, Sydney was honoured for The UTS First Year Experience Programme, an innovative and comprehensive programme designed to promote the success and retention of first year students. Catering to the learning and personal needs of approximately 5,000 new undergraduates each year, the programme is framed around four initiatives including a university-readiness quiz, an orientation/preparation programme, a diagnostic advisory program for students at risk of failure, and a booklet, interviews and counselling program.

Biological Sciences, Health and Related Studies - Associate Professor Jane Stein-Parbury, Faculty of Nursing, Midwifery & Health.
Economics, Business & Related Studies - Mr Paul Jonson University of Technology, Sydney
Engineering - Associate Professor Tom Anderson University of Technology, Sydney

Economics and Business Studies - Mr Mark Freeman University of Technology, Sydney